Coal Agreement Welcomed By Toll Rail
Coal Agreement Welcomed By Toll Rail
Toll Rail welcomed the announcement today that Solid Energy and Pike River have signed a long-term agreement for the movement of coal by rail from the West Coast to Lyttleton across the Midland Line.
Toll Rail group general manager Joe Garbellini says that initially they will move the coal with 30 wagon trains however into the future they anticipate increasing the train size to 45 wagons.
He says trials to date have shown this is possible and they will now be talking to the RMTU and Toll Rail staff to finalise plans.
“The larger trains, not deemed possible 2 years ago, are a result of the collaboration of ourselves, our staff, the RMTU, Solid Energy and Ontrack. This is what Toll came here to do, increase the efficiencies, and create opportunities. These are exciting times,” Mr Garbellini said.
Toll Rail currently moves on average 6 coal trains a day along the Midland Line however Mr Garbellini says there is still plenty of capacity for this to increase as demand warrants it.