EUFA Investor Meeting Roadshow
EUFA Investor Meeting Roadshow
In the new year EUFA (Exposing Unacceptable Financial Activities) are planning a two week road-show holding investor meetings throughout NZ. The meetings will be open to media and other interested parties.
The meetings are scheduled starting in Orewa on January 28th finishing in Invercargill on 8 February 2008 (Schedule attached)
The focus of the 2-hour meetings is to meet with as many investors as possible who have lost money in the finance industry collapses. The meeting format will consist of panelist who will be able to speak on progress EUFA and other parties are achieving. The investors will have an equal amount of time to ask their burning questions and get their messages across.
EUFA will be relying on community support in holding the meetings as all effort in arranging the Road- Show will involve Volunteers. We will also be seeking sponsorship and financial donations to assist in getting to as many people as possible.
We will be appealing to Community Organisations to assist in promoting the meetings in their communities and will ask Receivers to mention the meeting in their communications to investors and on websites.
The industry players has been treating the investors very shabbily. Financial advisors are ignoring their clients, Receivers are unable to keep in regular contact and generally investors are feeling isolated, not informed and with no where to turn. Some investors have received legal advice but it would appear few are taking this path as they see the problems as being to huge to take on.
Through EUFA a clear message needs to be sent our by the investors, that they shall not be victims to all the finance collapses but rather belong to a strong force of 'salt of the earth' New Zealanders who intend be part of a revolution forcing those responsible to be held to account and that the "roughshod' culture of the finance industry is halted.
Investors are anxious and worried about the future, especially those who are in or nearing their retirement years.