Author Challenges Development an 'Inclusive' Media
Author Challenges Journalists to Develop an 'Inclusive'
By David Robie: Pacific Media Centre
AUCKLAND (PMC Online/Pacific Media Watch): Journalists have a vital role in creating a media of inclusiveness and helping New Zealanders develop their sense of identity, says the author of a new book on cross-cultural reporting.
Carol Archie, author of Pou Korero: A Journalists’ Guide to Maori and Current Affairs launched at AUT University today, says cross-cultural dialogue rather than separate media is healthy for the country.
“The role of our media is not simply about increasing participation for particular groups – although that’s essential, of course,” she says in a chapter on the future.
“It’s also about providing a forum for diverse people to talk about their differences and work through ways to get on together.”
Archie, a key member of the journalism team that developed Mana Maori Media into a major news and current affairs service in Maori and English for iwi and National Radio, points to two positive examples of change in the past two years:
- On Anzac Day 2006, Maori Television “exemplified a way of presenting stories that was ‘us’ in its essence”– a day long programme warmly hosted by a partnership between Wena Harawira and Judy Bailey.
- In August 2006, the death of Te Arikinui, Te Atairangikahu, and a week of tangihanga rituals provided “another opportunity … for us to feel that special essence”, although some of the media was “awkward with this story … and unfamiliar with customs”.
Reporters covering the Dame Te Ata story often lacked appreciation of the historical significance and political influence of Kingitanga.
The book Pou Korero has been published as a new generation media textbook by the Journalism Training Organisation (JTO). It was launched today by the Chancellor, Sir Paul Reeves, at AUT University’s marae in an event hosted by the Pacific Media Centre.
Pou Korero replaces the booklet Kawe Korero, written by the late journalist and historian Michael King, which has served journalism schools and the media for more than two decades.
It includes chapters on the Treaty of Waitangi, reporting Maori occasions, making contacts, Maori media, good practice and rounds reporting. It also includes a glossary, resources and a pronunciation guide and practice CD.
Archie writes about changes in the Maori language on television, but points out that NZ English is also adapting.
“It is not only Maori who have whanau, who get hoha and tutu with things that might be pakaru,” she says.
“Waka-jumping is now the lingo for changing your political party. Te Ware Whare is a place to shop. Kai karts are mobile take-away outlets.”
Journalists should contribute to helping New Zealanders develop their sense of identity.
“The first step is for reporters to know something about their own country and its peoples,” says Archie.
“This means having a grasp of tikanga and te reo Maori as well as a good understanding of the history of Aotearoa New Zealand.
“The next step – welcoming the burgeoning new cultures in this country with respect and understanding – will follow naturally and with ease.”