Kiwi Consultants Ditch Australian Name
Kiwi Consultants Ditch Australian Name
Kiwi consultants within the Australasian Institute of Enterprise Facilitators (AIEF) recently celebrated a name change for the organisation that more adequately reflects and recognises its New Zealand members.
Last week a celebratory function was held in Auckland to acknowledge the change of name from Australasian Institute of Enterprise Facilitators to the new name of Institute of Accredited Business Consultants (NZ) Inc or IABC.
The new name better reflects a recognised professional body of business consultants in New Zealand rather than that of Australians who were represented under the old name.
Chairperson Dr Coral Ingley welcomed the change and agrees that the new name gives more recognition and prominence to New Zealand member consultants.
"According to perceptions among our members and the business community, there was considerable confusion as to the country of origin of the institute under its former name. People believed we were an Australian organisation and were left wondering how it could serve the interests of New Zealand businesses. We believe the new name more accurately represents and conveys the specific New Zealand focus of the Institute and will better convey who we are to our stakeholders," says Dr Ingley.
The Institute of Accredited Business Consultants (NZ) Inc represents professional services of its members, ensuring that best business practise is adopted and regulated through a series of internationally accredited courses. As a result, businesses are assured that the IABC member they hire has been through a comprehensive accreditation process and has the necessary skills and competence to provide relevant and reliable advisory services.
Dr Coral Ingley highlighted the potential key role the organisation had to play within the business community and the importance of adopting accreditation for business consultants.
The high relevance of ongoing development is reflected in the substantial role the Institute has played in organising the first APEC Approved Business Consulting Course (modules 1-4) for New Zealand. Completion of the course results in international certification recognised in a dozen APEC countries. Future certification courses will be held at the Auckland University of Technology, which has also recently been appointed as New Zealand's Economy Institute for APEC.