Toheroa tip-off a great result
Toheroa tip-off a great result
The New Zealand Seafood Industry Council congratulates the efforts of the Ministry of Fisheries and the police in its seizure of 608 toheroa in Kaikohe yesterday.
"It is great to see that a member of the public reported this illegal activity. We all need to take responsibility for the sustainability of the resource and take ownership of the problem. It’s great to see this happening," said chief executive Owen Symmans.
“Poaching is theft. Fish thieving deprives communities of fishing opportunities. By reporting fish theft you're helping legitimate users have access to a quality catch and protecting future fishing opportunities."
"If you see illegal or suspicious fish theft please report it on 0800 4 POACHER (0800 476 224) because all New Zealanders can help in the fight against fish theft," said Mr Symmans.
Poaching of fish and shellfish is an active and extensive illegal business in New Zealand, costing our economy around half-a-billion dollars a year in potential exports and recreational use – and even more in terms of managing the resource for the future. Poaching is so prevalent in some parts of the country that utilisation of some fish stocks is at risk.