Child and Family Policy will achieve nothing
Newmarket Business Association
26 October 2005
Council's Child and Family Policy will achieve nothing
The Auckland City Council's release of its so-called Child and Family Policy today is a waste of time and a kick in the shins to ratepayers recently stung by steep rate increases, said Cameron Brewer, head of the Newmarket Business Association today.
"My 1,400 commerical ratepayers in Newmarket will be sickened by this waste and waffle. They just want their council to deliver the basics - functional footpaths, transport infrastructure that works, and stormwater systems that don't flood shops every time there's a big downpour.
"You don't pay rates to sort families out. That's what our taxes to central government go towards. We already have Peter Dunne's Families Commission which has been a dismal failure and has helped nobody but those it employs.
"Auckland is under enornmous population pressure and is crying out for better roads, public transport, footpaths, stormwater systems, streetscapes and town centres.This council however seems more interested in promoting PC nonsense than confronting its core responsibilities."
"The general election showed us that increasingly the public is more interested in value for money than unaccountable politically-correct waste and waffle," said Mr Brewer.