Electricity Lines Business Decision Papers on web
Media Release
Issued 17 October 2005/042
Electricity Lines Business Decision Papers released on website
The Commerce Commission has published a Decision Paper on the Review of the Information Disclosure Regime and a Decision Paper on Valuation of the Regulatory Asset Base on its website.
The Commission is also issuing two reports; the first is by Mr Tim Fairhill on the Impact of International Financial Reporting Standards on the Electricity Information Disclosure Requirements and is released in conjunction with the Information Disclosure Decision Paper.
The second report is by Meyrick and Associates on Indexing the Regulatory Asset Base of Electricity Lines Business and is issued concurrently with the Decision Paper on Valuation of the Regulatory Asset Base.
All documents can be accessed
on the Commission’s website by clicking on the attached
[Link to Documents]
The Commission invites submissions on the draft decisions on implementation matters presented in the Decision Paper on Valuation of the Regulatory Asset Base. Submissions are due by Thursday, 10 November 2005.
Commission media releases can be viewed on its web site www.comcom.govt.nz