Free Internet Vulnerability Scanning
Visa Asia Pacific Launches First-Ever Free Internet
Vulnerability Scanning and Security Assessment Service
Service will help processors and merchants comply more readily with global security standards
AUCKLAND, 15 September 2005 - Visa has taken another step in the fight against payment system fraud by offering the world's first free security assessment service to help boost cardholder data security in the region.
Effective immediately, all parties that handle Visa cardholder data, such as Visa's member financial institutions, Internet Payment Service Providers (IPSPs) and merchants are entitled to access a free self-assessment service and to receive quarterly network vulnerability scans to validate the security of their Internet-connected systems.
The service is another weapon in the armory of Visa Asia Pacific's Account Information Security Program (AIS), which helps protect sensitive cardholder account and transaction information and is mandatory for all parties handling Visa cardholder data.
Visa will partner with ScanAlert, one of the world's
largest website security certification companies, to provide
the free security assessment and validation service. Under
the agreement, ScanAlert will also provide Visa's member
financial institutions in the Asia Pacific with a
comprehensive reporting system to track the AIS validation
status of their merchants and service providers. The service
is available at
Visa New Zealand Country Manager, Mr. Iain Jamieson, said, "We recognize that in today's electronic payment environment with the constant threat of criminal minds at work, cardholders are increasingly concerned about the safety of their personal data. When that protection is provided, consumer trust and confidence in the security of the payment business are maintained.
With our free Vulnerability Scanning and Self Assessment service, we can make it easier for all the relevant parties such as merchants and their service providers to be compliant with Visa's global data security standards. The result will be that companies can efficiently and cost effectively validate their compliance and focus on their core business."
ScanAlert has certified thousands of online merchants in the world to the Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard, a set of minimum standards and best practices on data confidentiality, online availability and integrity.
"With security being the number one challenge facing online retailing worldwide, ScanAlert is focused on actively ensuring acquirers, processors and merchants in the region are well prepared against intrusion. ScanAlert's vulnerability scanning technology is non-invasive and used by thousands of e-commerce merchants worldwide," said ScanAlert CEO, Ken Leonard.
Card fraud has dropped to three cents for every $100 spent in Asia Pacific (or 0.03 of one percent equaling US$136.5 million in the entire Asia Pacific) of sales volume in the first quarter of 2005. This is less than half what it was in the same period in 2000 and less than half of the current global rate. During this time, transactions on Visa have nearly doubled.
Ensuring cardholder data is kept secure
Visa's Account Information
Security (AIS) Program is a globally mandated risk
management program sponsored by Visa and run by Visa's
members that applies to all entities participating in the
Visa payment system. AIS is based on two fundamental
* Do not store cardholder data.
If you need to store some data, encrypt it.
Depending on
the average monthly processing volume, an entity must
perform the following tasks to validate compliance with the
minimum-security standards of the AIS program:
Annual testing through a Self-Assessment Questionnaire
Quarterly vulnerability scanning of Internet-connected
* Independent third party onsite
ScanAlert will provide the online tools to IPSPs
and merchants that need to validate their organizations to
Visa's AIS standard. These tools include:
Assistance in completing the Self-Assessment
* Quarterly vulnerability scans of
all Internet servers and network connection points
Unlimited on-demand manual scans to retest systems
Assistance in preparing an AIS-compliant security policy
* Comprehensive support tools including FAQs,
tutorials and best practice recommendations
Telephone technical support for vulnerability scanning
* Preparation of an AIS Validation Report upon
completion of the validation of the completed questionnaire