BearingPoint Innovation Awards 2004 Finalists
BearingPoint Innovation Awards 2004 Finalists
Public Service Sponsored by the State Services Commission
New Zealand Climate Change Office Ministry for the Environment Projects to Reduce Emissions (PRE) Programme
The Projects to Reduce Emissions Programme is a key part of the Government’s policy package to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and participate in international efforts under the Kyoto Protocol to reduce climate change. The projects include specific activities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the Kyoto Protocol’s first commitment period (2008 – 2012) in return for an incentive of Kyoto Protocol Emission Units. These units will be internationally tradeable when the Protocol comes into force. For an initiative to qualify as a Project it must achieve quantifiable reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. In 2003, PRE provided the incentive to achieve 4 million tonnes of greenhouse gas abatement that would not otherwise have occurred, indirectly providing one billion dollars of additional investment by companies at no direct financial cost to the Crown. Projects successful in the first tender round include the Palmerston North Awapuni Landfill Project; the Esk Hydro Power Project in Hawkes Bay and New Zealand Windfarms Project in Manawatu.
Contact person: Martin Harvey 04 916 7614 or Lisa Marie Richan 027 479 1295
Ministry of Education Assessment Tools for Teaching and Learning (asTTle)
asTTle is a leading edge CD-Rom tool that enables teachers to create and analyse literacy and numeracy tests. It is the first bilingual assessment tool to be developed in New Zealand. It allows precise interpretations of individual student achievement rather than a score, providing specific feedback for teachers and students, and access to resources for next steps in learning. It enables teachers to monitor student progress and compare results with similar schools and nationwide data. Since its launch in 2001, over 95% of primary schools and 115 secondary schools have requested access to it and it has generated a high level of interest from overseas education providers. The latest version will be released early next year and development is underway to make it a web-based tool.
Contact person: Elizabeth Eppel 04 463 8109
Ministry of Social Development – Office of Disability Issues New Zealand Sign Language Videos
These are New Zealand Sign Language (NZSL) video clips that can be viewed on The videos are aimed at making information more widely and easily available to the 7000 people who use NZSL as their first or preferred language. This initiative has enabled greater participation by deaf people in democratic processes. No other government agency has made information on their websites available in sign language and there are only a small number of examples elsewhere in the world, mainly on non-government organisations’ websites. Feedback has been positive and deaf people have been impressed both with the information being made accessible to them and the quality of the signed video clips. Subjects covered in the video clips include the NZSL Bill; how to make a submission to a select committee; Office for Disability Issues; and the NZ Disability Strategy.
Contact person: Don Gray 04 916 3743
Ministry of Education Te Mana
Te Mana is a Ministry of Education information programme aimed at changing attitudes towards Maori achievement in education. Its key message is Te Mana – ki te taumata – get there with learning, and it is aimed at rangatahi (Maori youth), their teachers and whanau (parents and caregivers). The programme was developed in response to one of the Ministry’s key strategic goals – to turn around the low level of Maori achievement and participation in education – and includes a national television advertising programme, resources and workshops, and 22 pouwhakatahi (Maori Liaison Officers) who work directly with Maori. The programme is having an impact, with research showing 61% of rangatahi and 45% of whanau interviewed had taken action as a result of Te Mana.
Contact person: Howard Fancy 04 463 8003
Local Government Sponsored by Kensington Swan
Environment Waikato Biosecurity Information System
This innovation has resulted in integration of a number of GIS, animal and plant databases to enable a more effective Biosecurity Information System. The new system is modelled on a system developed by Environment Bay of Plenty and replaces many small, isolated databases of inaccurate, incomplete and outdated data and maps. External contractors have found it a very useful resource for pest information that they can easily access and utilise in their daily work. It is a cost-effective, replicable solution that could be of value to other regional councils.
Contact person: John Simmons 07 859 0872
Auckland Regional Council Text Updates for Service Delays
This is a unique and innovative service that allows Auckland’s suburban train operator to communicate directly with train commuters when services are delayed. The advisory system uses the mobile phone network for text messaging and has already proved popular with commuters. The programme is the first of its kind in New Zealand to provide real time passenger information and has applicability for uptake by other regional councils. It costs commuters just 20 cents to join and messages are free. It covers all services on all lines and helps to ease frustrations and minimise disruption to commuters, filling a significant customer service gap while regional rail upgrades are implemented.
Contact person: Elena Trout 09 373 9963
State Sector Sponsored by Momentum
Housing New Zealand Corporation/Counties Manukau District Health Board The Healthy Housing Programme
This joint initiative is unlike any other health and housing model operating internationally, and has resulted in demonstrable health improvements in target Housing New Zealand Corporation tenants. It was originally designed to reduce the risk of infectious diseases, particularly meningococcal disease, but has evolved to reducing over-crowding related diseases and improving the overall health and wellbeing of participating families. The programme involves a range of tailored interventions from modifying HNZC houses to facilitating contact between families and relevant health and social support agencies. An independent evaluation of the programme’s first 18 months shows it has succeeded in delivering healthier homes, increased awareness of infectious diseases and improved health status. Following the Counties Manukau success, the programme has also been implemented in the Auckland and Northland District Health Board areas.
Contact person: Chris Mules 09 262 9500
Asure NZ Ltd Pi³ MasterCube
Asure NZ Ltd is a State Owned Enterprise that provides qualitative assurance products and services to the wider meat and food industry. It works in partnership with clients to achieve control over key food chain processes. The Pi³ MasterCube is a management information visualisation tool that provides a 3-D visual picture of a business to indicate where processes can be improved. A number of companies have picked up the technology for use. Its primary benefit is that it enables both qualitative and quantitative information to be displayed and analysed, leading to greater quality assurance around food safety for consumers.
Contact person: Terry Pierson 027 476 1089
Massey University/Ministry of Health Te Rau Puawai: Workforce 100
This is a long-term strategic and innovative workforce development programme that has achieved significant results. It was started in 1999 with the aim of contributing 100 Maori graduates to mental health within five years, to accelerate the development of a professional Maori mental health workforce. That aim has been achieved. By 2003, 100 Maori graduates had obtained a qualification and almost all programme participants are now employed within the mental health sector. The programme works through providing bursary support to students as well as mentoring and support, and creating a learning environment based on Maori values. It is the first programme to take this approach to workforce development. It has produced qualified professionals to strengthen Maori Mental Health and foster greater health benefits for Maori.
Contact person: Professor Barrie Macdonald 06 350 5799
Creative New Zealand and Ministry of Research, Science and Technology (MoRST) Smash Palace
This programme has run since 2001 and aims to facilitate and support innovation and collaboration between the arts, and research, science and technology sectors. It started with international research and local forums, and has culminated in a pilot funding programme supporting three projects involving collaboration between New Zealand artists and scientists. They include a project that explores the future of reading; a project to increase understanding of Motueka River catchment issues and development of software to create an online web-based performance venue in which audience members and performance members interact in real time.
Contact person: Rob Garrett 04 498 0734
Innovation in Services to Maori Sponsored by Te Puni Kokiri
Massey University/Ministry of Health Te Rau Puawai: Workforce 100
This is a long-term strategic and innovative workforce development programme that has achieved significant results. It was started in 1999 with the aim of contributing 100 Maori graduates to mental health within five years, to accelerate the development of a professional Maori mental health workforce. That aim has been achieved. By 2003, 100 Maori graduates had obtained a qualification and almost all programme participants are now employed within the mental health sector. The programme works through providing bursary support to students, as well as mentoring and support, and creating a learning environment based on Maori values. It is the first programme to take this approach to workforce development. It has produced qualified professionals to strengthen Maori Mental Health and foster greater health benefits for Maori.
Contact person: Professor Barrie Macdonald 06 350 5799
Ministry of Education Te Mana
Te Mana is a Ministry of Education information programme aimed at changing attitudes towards Maori achievement in education. Its key message is Te Mana – ki te taumata – get there with learning, and it is aimed at rangatahi (Maori youth), their teachers and whanau (parents and caregivers). The programme was developed in response to one of the Ministry’s key strategic goals – to turn around the low level of Maori achievement and participation in education – and includes a national television advertising programme, resources and workshops, and 22 pouwhakatahi (Maori Liaison Officers) who work directly with Maori. The programme is having an impact, with research showing 61% of rangatahi and 45% of whanau interviewed had taken action as a result of Te Mana.
Contact person: Howard Fancy 04 463 8003
Innovation in Technology Sponsored by Microsoft
Department of Conservation Development of New Trap Technology
This is the result of an initiative to develop new trap technology that is both effective and efficient and also meets accepted draft ISO humane standards for animal welfare. New draft ISO humane standards are being developed for animal welfare reasons, which will restrict the use of existing trap technologies in future. DoC led the drive to develop a new tool and spent three years developing testing and producing new technology resulted in three new traps of varying size. This new technology will be used to protect New Zealand’s threatened species from introduced predators. The new traps have proven to be evidentially better than others in the marketplace and more cost-effective to produce.
Contact person: Alan Edmonds 04 471 0726
Ministry of Education Assessment Tools for Teaching and Learning (asTTle)
asTTle is a leading edge CD-Rom tool that enables teachers to create and analyse literacy and numeracy tests. It is the first bilingual assessment tool to be developed in New Zealand. It allows precise interpretations of individual student achievement rather than a score, providing specific feedback for teachers and students, and access to resources for next steps in learning. It enables teachers to monitor student progress and compare results with similar schools and nationwide data. Since its launch in 2001, over 95% of primary schools and 115 secondary schools have requested access to it and it has generated a high level of interest from overseas education providers. The latest version will be released early next year and development is underway to make it a web-based tool.
Contact person: Elizabeth Eppel 04 463 8109
Asure NZ Ltd Pi³ MasterCube
Asure NZ Ltd is a State Owned Enterprise that provides qualitative assurance products and services to the wider meat and food industry. It works in partnership with clients to achieve control over key food chain processes. The Pi³ MasterCube is a management information visualisation tool that provides a 3-D visual picture of a business to indicate where processes can be improved. A number of companies have picked up the technology for use. Its primary benefit is that it enables both qualitative and quantitative information to be displayed and analysed, leading to greater quality assurance around food safety for consumers.
Contact person: Terry Pierson 0274 761089
Auckland Regional Council Text Updates for Service Delays
This is a unique and innovative service that allows Auckland’s suburban train operator to communicate directly with train commuters when services are delayed. The advisory system uses the mobile phone network for text messaging and has already proved popular with commuters. The programme is the first of its kind in New Zealand to provide real time passenger information and has applicability for uptake by other regional councils. It costs commuters just 20 cents to join and messages are free. It covers all services on all lines and helps to ease frustrations and minimise disruption to commuters, filling significant customer service gap while regional rail upgrades are implemented.
Contact person: Elena Trout 09 373 9963
Management of Innovation Sponsored by Leadership Development Centre
Asure NZ Ltd Pi³ MasterCube
Asure NZ Ltd is a State Owned Enterprise that provides qualitative assurance products and services to the wider meat and food industry. It works in partnership with clients to achieve control over key food chain processes. The Pi³ MasterCube is a management information visualisation tool that provides a 3-D visual picture of a business to indicate where processes can be improved. A number of companies have picked up the technology for use. Its primary benefit is that it enables both qualitative and quantitative information to be displayed and analysed, leading to greater quality assurance around food safety for consumers.