New Myob Role Signals Strong Customer Focus
New Myob Role Signals Strong Customer Focus
Following the launch of its nationwide brand campaign, MYOB's establishment of a new customer loyalty role will mean small business customers not only see more of the company's products and services but also an increased focus on their individual needs.
MYOB Customer Loyalty Manager Rebecca Appleby has recently joined the company's Auckland office. Previously employed by a leading international pharmaceutical company, Rebecca has extensive marketing - in particular direct marketing - experience. Her recent work has focussed on building CRM strategies, to ensure that all customer-focussed activities are driven from the business level, rather than as a function of IT or sales.
Rebecca Appleby says that MYOB has been particularly successful in delivering a range of accounting software and services to suit the needs of New Zealand businesses.
"What we're aiming to do is ensure MYOB's award-winning range of software is matched by a consistently high level of customer service - to a standard that will set them apart from any competitor," says Rebecca Appleby.
"To do so, we'll be looking very closely at exactly what MYOB's customers need."
"We'll also be making sure that the messages and contacts we make are consistent across every single customer touchpoint."
Ms Appleby says that she is currently involved in extensive planning, customer analysis, and working with MYOB's Contact Centre Manager to evaluate systems and processes.
Rebecca Appleby recognises that matching services to customer needs in the small business market is a challenge, particularly given the level of fragmentation across the sector.
"However, MYOB is uniquely focussed on the needs of the small business, and the accountants that serve them," says Rebecca Appleby.
"Through this understanding and the customer loyalty strategy we are developing, MYOB has a real opportunity to provide an even greater level of service."