D’Urville Island land owners return to Court
12 July 2004
D’Urville Island land owners, Marc and Ivy Powell, returned to the District Court this week in what has become a long-running legal dispute with their architectural consultants, Interact Architects and Designers, over the construction of the homestead on their farm.
Commenting on this latest court action, Marc Powell expressed frustration at the delays in getting the dispute resolved.
“In the four years that this case has gone on Ivy and I have had to deal with a succession of delaying tactics and this latest court action is yet another attempt by Interact to avoid arbitration.”
Mr Powell said that while the situation was frustrating, he and his wife have absolute confidence in the outcome. “We have total faith in the judicial process and look forward to finally being able to get our case resolved in arbitration,” Mr Powell said.
The Powells have returned to New Zealand to consider the further development of their D’Urville Island farm. “We’ve put a lot into it, including moving towards a more organic farming operation,” Mr Powell said. “It’s just such a great spot and we’re really looking forward to being able to spend a lot more time improving the farm and enjoying the Sounds environment.”