Auckland International Airport Limited Bond Issue
Auckland International Airport Limited Bond Issue
AIA is considering making an offer of securities ("Bonds") to the public and as a result will be issuing an investment statement. No money is currently being sought and no applications for Bonds will be accepted or money received unless the subscriber has received an investment statement.
Bank of New Zealand has been appointed as Lead Manager to the issue of Bonds that AIA is considering. First NZ Capital has been appointed Organising Participant and Co-Lead Manager. ABN AMRO Craigs and Forsyth Barr have been appointed Co-Managers.
AIA is seeking preliminary indications of interest for the Bonds. Indications of interest should be directed by NZX participants and other financial intermediaries to Kevin Mitchelson at the Bank of New Zealand, whose contact details are given below. Members of the public should indicate their interest to NZX participants or their financial advisers or intermediaries. No indication of interest will create an obligation or commitment of any kind.
The Bonds AIA is intending to offer will be unsecured, unsubordinated debt obligations, issued under a master trust deed, registered prospectus and investment statement.
The Bonds will be issued in different Series. A Series can be made up of a number of Tranches. Each Tranche in a series will be identical apart from the date of issue and the first interest accrual date.
The Bonds that AIA is considering offering to the public are:
Series 06 08 09 11 Maturity Date 15 November 2006 15 November 2008 15 July 2009 15 July 2011 Interest Rate Fixed rate coupon paid semi-annually Fixed rate coupon paid semi-annually Fixed rate coupon paid semi-annually Fixed rate coupon paid semi-annually Amount intended to be offered Up to $25 million Up to $25 million Up to $75 million Up to $45 million, with oversubscriptions of up to $30 million
In addition AIA is considering offering holders of its existing bonds the opportunity to exchange these for Bonds of the same maturity. Any amounts issued in this exchange will be in addition to the amounts above.
The actual interest rates will be determined and announced closer to the time of the intended issue. AIA will use the proceeds of the intended offer for general funding purposes. AIA is also intending offering to institutional investors floating rate bonds with the same maturities as the above Series of Bonds.
It is proposed
that the intended offer will open during June. AIA reserves
the right to alter this timetable.