Simpson Grierson Announces New Dma Partnership
Simpson Grierson Announces New Dma Partnership
Simpson Grierson is delighted to announce a new partnership with the Direct Marketing Association. Simpson Grierson, a top tier law firm, has launched the Simpson Grierson Executive Breakfast Series tailored for senior marketing professionals with the aim of encouraging more of them to aim for Board status.
Simpson Grierson Partner and Sales and Marketing Law specialist Peter Stubbs says, “The firm is working with the DMA to design a programme that will be pitched at a higher level than previous years to encourage professional marketers to set their sights on Board positions within their organisations.”
DMA Chief Executive Keith Norris says, “Raising the status of the marketing profession is a common goal for both parties and the DMA appreciates Simpson Grierson’s ongoing commitment to the industry.”
There are four Simpson Grierson Executive Breakfasts planned for 2004 featuring presentations by icons of the marketing profession from throughout Australasia.
Simpson Grierson’s relationship with the DMA will involve expert knowledge and information sharing. Now available to DMA members for online reference through the DMA website, are the articles Peter Stubbs (and more recently Senior Associate Carol McMeekin) have written for Marketing Magazine since 1994. These articles cover the legal aspects of marketing, sponsorship and events.
The articles featured provide expert opinion on a broad range of legal topics relevant to marketers such as comparative advertising, price fixing and copyrights, and are regularly updated with the latest information on sales and marketing law.
Simpson Grierson's
specialised Sales and Marketing Group advises on a wide
range of legal issues including; advertising audits,
supplier/distributor arrangements, competition law and
anti-competitive behaviour, and branding issues including
the protection of intellectual property. Simpson Grierson
is actively involved in events and sponsorship and is
currently legal adviser to L’Oreal Fashion Week.