Big opportunities in Asia for NZ business
Big opportunities for business
Asia offers many new opportunities for New Zealand businesses that compare very favourably with those in our traditional Europe-Britain and US markets, local business people heard at a Seriously Asia workshop in Tauranga today (16 October).
"There are huge opportunities in Asia for New Zealand businesses," guest speaker, Prime Consulting International group chairman Alan Pearson, said.
"In many cases, there are fewer barriers to trade than in Europe-Britain and US, and most Asian economies are growing at a rapid pace.
"It's challenging, it takes time to build the relationships that are critical for doing business in Asia, but there are potentially stunning rewards both financially and culturally.
"The best advice is to just go there and be there, don't just think about it."
Seriously Asia, managed by the Asia 2000 Foundation, is a joint government and private sector initiative aimed at strengthening New Zealand's relationships with Asia, both in business and culturally.
Workshops and special events are being held around the country as a way of sharing ideas from business and the community. Contributions are also being invited via the Seriously Asia website: Priority goals will be identified at a one day Asia Forum at Parliament on November 26.
Dr Pearson, who has extensive experience doing business in Asia, said many people in Asia already saw New Zealand and Australia as part of their geographical region.
"People in Asia are, in general terms, more knowledgeable about the world than in many other places. New Zealand conjures up images of a pristine environment, friendly people, a lack of corruption, and a place they'd like to visit. They also see New Zealand as a champion of people's rights to their own sovereignty.
"This is a great asset for New Zealand, " Dr Pearson said.
For further information about Seriously Asia go to: