China Export Compliance Deadline Looms
China Export Compliance Deadline Looms
The May 1 deadline for New Zealand companies exporting to China to gain compliance under the new China Compulsory Certification (CCC) scheme is fast approaching.
Products related to human life and health, animals, plants, environmental protection and national security that do not gain, or contravene the CCC accreditation will be susceptible to exclusion or up to a RMB 30,000 (New Zealand $6,500.00) fine under the new scheme.
The new system has been designed to improve consumer protection within China’s fast developing economy from locally produced and imported goods and is a result of China’s recent ascension to the ranks of the WTO.
“The advent of an improved quality supervision scheme in China should be considered a step in the right direction for New Zealand exporters currently in and trying to break into the China market. The predominantly price driven Chinese market will now have to deal with quality measures closer to what many other economically mature countries must already meet” says Andrew Pardington executive member of the New Zealand China Trade Association.
Exporters who make new applications may find
them taking up to ninety days to be processed. This may mean
that there is a stand-down period after May 1 for relevant
products that have not already gained certification.