Pharmacy Deregulation
News about the possibility of Pharmacy deregulation is of concern to Alcohol Drug Association (ADA) says ADA’s Chief executive Paul Traynor due to many valid reasons raised by the Pharmacy Guild.
Mr Traynor suggested “that this could impact on the safety of the community is terms of heightening the risk of burglary at sites where so called ‘medicines’ are sold.” It is also not understanding the safety net a pharmacy provides around particular drugs and the access that can be provide for those accessing drugs legally. He said, “it is naïve for the Supermarket retailers to think that access to medicines will not attract a different clientele to supermarkets making them a target for access to medicines.” He also said “that the move underestimates the growing issues around home made drugs such as amphetamines or methamphetamines.”
community needs to be aware of the professionalism of the
Pharmacy sector who provide some valuable protective factors
for the wider community.” The one stop shop also raises
concerns for the social well being of rural communities
where local relationships enhance access to help and
support. The pharmacy says Mr Traynor “means and suggests
availability to medicines and someone to seek advice and
support from rather than the centralist measure of greater
profits promoted by the big supermarket