Flights To And From Bali
Flights To And From Bali
Singapore Airlines flights to and from Bali continue to operate on schedule at the current time.
Singapore Airlines operates four flights per day between Singapore and Denpasar. Flights connect in Singapore with onward flights to Auckland and Christchurch.
No Singapore Airlines flights operate directly between New Zealand or Australian cities and Denpasar.
Understandably, loads on these flights out of Bali are now very high, however, Singapore Airlines is doing all it can to assist customers in Bali who are seeking to change their departure times.
Security in and around Denpasar Airport has been increased, and Singapore Airlines will continue to monitor developments in the area. Security of our customers, crew and aircraft is paramount.
As a
result of recent events, Singapore Airlines will waive any
airline-related fees for customers who cancel, defer or
change their travel plans to Bali.