Warning about schemes promising high returns
4 September 2002
Commission warns about schemes promising high returns
Reports of investment schemes promising
improbably high returns are increasing, according to the
Securities Commission.
“Uncertainty in the share markets creates an attractive climate for the peddlers of illegal investments such as prime bank schemes,” Chairman Jane Diplock said.
“Their offers of high returns from secret schemes seem very attractive. They are often entered into by people who otherwise consider themselves prudent investors but who are lured to these scams by the interest rates offered.”
People should be wary of so called
investment schemes which:
- have no investment statement
or prospectus
- give few or no details about the issuer
and how the money is to be invested
- promise very high
- claim that the investment is “safe” or
- refer to “top world banks” or “prime
- are “private” offers open only to a select
- say the scheme must be kept secret in order to
Warnings about dubious investment schemes are published on our website www.sec-com.govt.nz
Catherine Chapman Phone (04) 471