Wilson & Horton applies to acquire Village Press
Wilson & Horton applies to acquire The Village Press
Media Release
Issued 20 November 2001/116
Wilson & Horton applies to the Commerce Commission to acquire The Village Press
The Commerce Commission has received an application from Wilson & Horton Limited for clearance under the Commerce Act to acquire all of the assets of Powerplant Productions Limited relating to "The Havelock North Village Press" newspaper business.
Wilson & Horton is 100% owned by Wilson & Horton Holdings Limited, which is 100% owned by Independent News and Media plc, a Dublin based media company.
Wilson & Horton is a news and information company operating in four key segments: newspaper publishing; new internet-based media; specialist publishing and commercial printing. It currently publishes nine daily newspapers and 32 free community papers. It also owns a 33% shareholding in The Radio Network.
Powerplant Productions Limited publishes the Village Press, which is a free fortnightly publication circulated in Havelock North, Napier and Taradale. Wilson & Horton has an existing commercial arrangement with Powerplant for printing the Village Press. In considering the application, the Commission's role is to determine whether the merger has the effect of substantially lessening competition in the market.
A public version of Wilson & Horton's application is available on request from the Commerce Commission. Please contact Catherine Best, (04) 498-0953.