Organic Company To Start Trading On NZSE
First Wholly Organic Company To Start Trading On Main Board Of NZSE
NEWS RELEASE 21st September 2001
Certified Organics Limited, the first totally organic company on the main board of the New Zealand Stock Exchange starts trading on Monday.
Certified Organics (NZSE code: CER) was formerly shell company AQL Holdings Limited. Last week it completed the acquisition of the private company Organic Interceptor Limited, and now with a new board and new management, has completed its plans for a change of direction. The new Board is headed by Dr. Ray Thomson, who is also the Chairman of Wellington Drive Technologies.
Organic Interceptor Products Limited had as its lead product, Organic Interceptor, what's believed to be the world's first certified organic weed controller. Invented and developed by Thames-based brothers Rodney and Stuart Innes (both of whom are now directors of Certified Organics), it is the first in a range of certified organic products the company plans to bring to the market.
Certified Organics Managing Director Earl Stevens says the company is in the process of developing a range of top quality organic products for the house and garden.
"These include products such as shampoo, and we've already received AgriQuality Certenz Certified Organic status for the range," he says.
"We've had significant overseas interest in our lead product, Organic Interceptor and are in the process of screening potential distributors in New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, and Europe. The NZ patent has been issued and the PCT patenting process is well advanced in 15 different countries, including key European and American markets."
Organic Interceptor has been approved for use on organic farms by authorities in New Zealand, Australia, the USA and Canada.
Dr Stevens says the company is currently setting up its New Zealand distribution channels and is further developing the branding and marketing of the Certified Organic range, prior to taking the products offshore.
"A recent survey by OPENZ (Organic Products Exporters of New Zealand) shows that international demand for New Zealand's organic produce still far outweighs supply. Also, the domestic demand for organic products is continually increasing. These are extremely good indicators for the future of Certified Organics Limited," he says.