MSC To Announce Inquiry Results On Tuesday
Media Statement from the NZEM Market Surveillance Committee
The Market Surveillance Committee (MSC), an elected body of independent members, is charged with the surveillance and compliance of the New Zealand electricity market (NZEM). The Market Surveillance Committee's major task is to ensure compliance with the NZEM Rules.
Following a request from an NZEM market participant
the MSC is conducting an inquiry into elements of the
wholesale market, in particular:
* The market's
management of prudential risks in the context of the current
level of prices; and
* NZEM pricing issues that have
been raised.
The MSC has been held up in the production of its report on the inquiry but expects to have it completed and released on Tuesday 17 July.
Until this time neither the MSC, nor M-co - its executive under NZEM - will comment on this matter.