UNITY Welcomes Liquid /AMP
UNITY welcomes a second player to the online financial services brokerage arena with the launch of AMP’s website Liquid yesterday. New Zealand now has two online financial services supermarkets. UNITY has offered an impartial online brokerage for the past two and a half years, but it does not offer its own products, nor promote one option over another.
UNITY offers the added value of demystifying financial services by offering access to real people to help with any queries regarding the financial options offered through UNITY. This benefit is provided by an integrated call centre that can be accessed directly over the internet via the UNITY website or by using a toll free phone number.
UNITY sees a financial services provider like AMP offering it’s own and competitors products in an online environment as a positive step. Brian Howard-Clarke, CEO of UNITY said "The entry of another major player to the online financial services brokerage market should ultimately result in customers reaping the benefit with more products being designed and priced for online distribution ,leading to lower prices for the customer".