PGNZI Welcomes ENZA Change Of Attitude
Pipfruit Growers of New Zealand (PGNZI) today welcomed what it regards as a significant shift in attitude on the part of ENZA, following the apple exporter’s annual general meeting in Wellington.
In particular, PGNZI welcomed ENZA’s decision not to pursue its proposal to change the company’s consitutition to allow shares to be publicly listed.
PGNZI Chairman Phil Alison said the decision demonstrated the voting strength of the Trusts which played a significant part in delaying the change to ENZA’s constitution.
“Today’s ENZA annual general meeting was a milestone for the pipfruit industry in the new environment,” said Mr Alison. “Chairman Tony Gibbs at last appeared to take on board the need to address and resolve some of the differences that exist between the two parties.
“We now have a real opportunity to rebuild confidence in the industry. We saw a positive side to some of the changes ENZA had signalled today and shareholders came away generally happy with answers given by the company.
“Now we look forward to seeing the words become actions. We have had a number of previous directors and executives make similar commitments without being able to deliver.”
Mr Alison said the move of ENZA’s Head Office from Wellington to the main apple growing region Hawke’s Bay is seen as an integral part of the restructuring and refocusing of the company.