ACCC Investigates Coca-Cola Amatil

Published: Thu 29 Jul 1999 08:57 PM
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has started a preliminary investigation of allegations that Coca-Cola Amatil may have breached the Trade Practices Act 1974.
"The investigation follows a continuing series of complaints from participants in the carbonated soft-drink industry," ACCC Chairman, Professor Allan Fels, said today.
"A number of substantial complaints were made following the ACCC's review of the proposed Coke/Schweppes merger.
"The investigation will focus upon allegations of potential breaches of sections 46 and 47 of the Act which deal with misuse of market power and exclusive dealing.
"At this stage the ACCC is conducting a preliminary assessment to determine whether there may have been breaches of the Act.
"At the appropriate stage, the ACCC will seek Coca-Cola Amatil's response to any possible contraventions. The ACCC is currently conducting further market inquiries.
"The complaints are particularly focussed on the 'route channel' of carbonated soft drink sales, this essentially includes all those premises where the beverages are purchased cold for immediate or near-immediate consumption".
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