On The Left - The Carter Columns
On The Left - The Carter Columns: Pulling together, not pulling us apart.
by Jordan Carter
I went to
Waiheke las Saturday, to a meeting at the Piritahi Marae
organised by
the Waiheke Branch of the Labour Party.
The key speaker was John Tamihere. It
was an immensely
upbeat and positive meeting, but it left me with an
overwhelming impression of my own inadequacy:
* I don't
know Maori, despite having lived here since I was ten years
old. How can someone grow up in a country and not know their
own heritage?
* I was and am totally ignorant of protocol
on a Marae.
* Trying to understand the problems Maori
face is a very difficult thing for
someone like me -
arguably a white leftie liberal - to do.
I raise this
meeting and my own feeling of silliness because one of the
frightening features of the election campaign so
far is ACT's beat-up on the
Treaty of Waitangi. ACT is
making a cynical play on the fears of middle New
that the Treaty settlement process is out of control, is an
abuse and
must be stopped, now.
Let me be blunt. I
despise ACT for the racism underlying their proposals. They
have to be stopped. Quite apart from the rest of their
hard right agenda, this
on its own should be enough to
make anyone think twice about voting for them.
This column
is about the settlement process and the future of Maori
people in
this country. I don't make any claim to
perfection; I am not Maori and cannot
by definition ever
have a true understanding of the issues Maori face. I am
though a young New Zealander, and I hope I have as much
right to comment on
these issues as anyone else, though
I can understand others having a different
critical to the future of New Zealand that we acknowledge
one thing, here
and now. The hegemonic attempt to
impose "One New Zealand" needs to go. We
are not one
people. We never have been. And we never will be one
More to the point: why on earth would
we want to pretend that we are? Strength
arises from
diversity. Maori, their culture, art, language and so on,
with the Pacific and Asian influences working
through our society, are what
makes us unique.
Rejection of assimilation doesn't mean cultures won't
mingle. What it does mean is a rejection of
assimilation on one party's terms,
which is the
underlying argument of ACT's message.
Why attempt to crush
our diversity under "One New Zealand" politics and
policies that take no account whatsoever of
Being kind, what one can say of this longstanding
project to assimilate and
destroy Maori culture is that
it hasn't worked. We have a situation where
single statistic points to a cycle - a worsening cycle - of
dependency, sickness, poverty and despair.
National's version of
programmes has failed, and failed horribly. It hasn't
worked, it can't work,
it won't work, and it needs to
The so-called "race issue" arises from the fact that
Maori will not - cannot -
accept the existing state of
affairs any longer, and the reaction of a settler
culture that is still too often attached to the fantasy
of One Nation and
European supremacy.
One of the key
steps on the road to rebuilding New Zealand has to be the
completion of the Treaty settlement process. Nobody
wants it continue any
longer than it must. But that is
no reason for cut-off dates. That's no
reason for a
fiscal envelope. A properly funded Waitangi Commission must
complete research on claims as soon as they can.
Justice delayed is justice
denied, as John Tamihere said
on Marae on Sunday morning. Coupled with this
needs to
be a major effort to spread an understanding of just how
great the
abuses of last century were, and why
restoration is not only right and just,
but in
everyone's interests.
A problem with the process, which
has resulted in long running litigation, is
inability of the Crown to understand changes in social
structures among
Maori. Failure to acknowledge changes
in such structures simply ensures that
some Maori will
miss out on the proceeds, and that benefits nobody. It's
impossible to impose structures on Maori from the
outside. Only organisations
that are truly based in
Maori communities can possibly stand and represent
Maori. Labour's policies to fund Maori organisations in
the delivery of social
services is the best way forward,
because it allows information closest to
where needs are
to be used to meet them - not having some Wellington
bureaucracy telling Maori how they should run their
social services.
Other than settlements, it's time to
unbundle the mainstreamed or
assimilationist patterns of
public spending on Maori. It should be apparent to
anyone that the spectacular success of the kohanaga reo
movement and of kura
kaupapa Maori, the development of
whare waananga now, along with the success of
organisations as the Waipareira Trust in meeting the social
services needs
of urban Maori, points the way to the
I genuinely believe that only when we see a real
devolution of decision making
on social services -
health, education, housing, welfare and so on - will we
begin to see a real improvement in the appalling
statistics of Maori today.
This isn't about separatism.
This isn't about conflict. It certainly isn't
dividing the nation into two hostile camps. It is about
addressing a
failure of policy that is based on a desire
to suppress and destroy Maoridom in
total, and replacing
that failure with something that works for Maori. What
works for Maori will work for everyone else too - make
no mistake about that.
It is in nobody's interests for
this country to maintain a slowly ticking time- bomb that is
the underclass we have so foolishly created.
Once the
settlement process is largely completed, and once Maori are
again to get on their feet economically, I
think we will see the further rise a
strong, independent
Maori culture again. The recovery that began in the 1970's
is only the beginning, and once Maori have a secure
economic base the
resurgence will only grow. It does us
all well to remember though that the
advances that have
helped enable Maori to come to the current stage of
development - the initiatives in devolution, the
extension of the Waitangi
Tribunal back to 1840, the
massive expansion of kohanga reo and kura kaupapa -
all been sustained and supported by Labour. Our record is
unmatched by
any other political organisation in New
Zealand, and combined with a very
strong field of
candidates for this election, that is why Maori are coming
home to Labour.
ACT's attempts to play on the fears of an
insecure and unknowing electorate are
frightening beyond
belief. Even worse is the way they are using this issue to
push attention away from their far right economic
policies. By playing on
people's fears; by distorting
and misleading people; by appealing to the gut
racism of
New Zealanders, they take our politics down a very dangerous
While I am still allowed to speak freely in this
country, I will attack that
kind of strategy as best I
can. Because if this country wants to be united and
secure, then playing division isn't the way to do it.
Resolving the problems
is. You can't set time limits,
sweep things under the carpet, and expect them
go to
away. That is the route to evil.
Racism stops here. Don't let ACT get away with it.