APEC Finance Ministers Report
The Finance Ministers of the Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation (APEC) met for the sixth time in Langkawi, Malaysia to review the economic and financial situation in the region, explore ways to strengthen economic fundamentals to accelerate the recovery process, and to look towards meeting longer-term challenges. Given the increasingly integrated global environment, we underscored the individual and collective roles of economies in contributing to regional and global stability. We resolved to work together to further sustain the recovery now underway in the region. We reiterated our commitment to persevere with macroeconomic and structural reforms in meeting the challenges ahead and to co-operate within APEC and to contribute in other fora to strengthen the international financial architecture.
Economic and Financial Situation
were encouraged by improvements in the economic and
financial situation in the crisis-affected Asian economies
of Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand,
although some downside risks remain and underscored the
importance of continuing with policy adjustment and
structural reforms, particularly in the financial and
corporate sectors. Growth is expected to pick up this year
in all these crisis-affected economies. The return of
stability to financial markets has allowed the easing of
monetary policy, which in combination with stimulative
fiscal policy has supported domestic demand and production.
But while fiscal and monetary policy should remain focused
on supporting recovery, subject to financial stability, it
is important that these economies remain committed to
structural reforms that will strengthen their longer-term
growth prospects. In Russia, economic activity has been
recovering from the low point in September. Nevertheless,
vigorous action is needed to tackle the fiscal and
structural causes of the crisis.
In the United States,
economic growth has remained buoyant. Policies should be
directed at sustainable non-inflationary growth. In Japan,
fiscal policy is providing sizeable stimulus, short-term
interest rates have been pushed close to zero, and bank
recapitalisation has eased financial sector strains.
Policies need to be supportive until deflationary pressures
ease and a revival of private demand is firmly underway.
Continued structural reforms will be key to sustaining
growth over the medium and long terms. In China, growth has
been well maintained, assisted by a stimulative policy
stance. We welcomed the commitment and effort China is
making to reform the financial sector and state-owned
enterprise for sustainable development.
While not
unaffected by the Asian and global financial crisis, most of
the other APEC economies have managed to sustain growth or
adjusted reasonably well and avoided major disruption. Given
the Brazilian crisis, this is now particularly noteworthy in
the three Latin American members. Economies must continue
with policies that support the recovery now underway in the
Along with efforts by APEC, Europe should play
its part in sustaining global growth, including through
supporting domestic activity and structural reforms. It is
also important that open markets are maintained around the
recalled that APEC Leaders, at their Meeting on 18 November
1998 in Kuala Lumpur, endorsed a co-operative growth
strategy to meet the challenges of ensuring macroeconomic
stability and restoring growth in the region. The strategy
has yielded significant progress in promoting recovery and
growth. However, we will not become complacent in meeting
the challenges ahead to sustain and deepen this progress.
Member economies were urged to keep markets open consistent
with the commitment made by Leaders and to continue with
efforts towards free and open trade and investment. We noted
the supportive environment provided by the major economies
to the co-operative growth strategy endorsed by Leaders. The
recent crisis has demonstrated the importance of addressing
the issues related to exchange rate regimes. We noted that
the choice of exchange rate arrangements may vary across
economies, however, consistent policies and robust financial
systems must support any regime adopted. The IMF has been
asked to further consider the issue of appropriate exchange
rate arrangements.
We recognised the value of peer
surveillance among APEC member economies and agreed that our
exchange of views complements surveillance by the IMF. At
the same time, there are benefits to be derived from greater
co-operative efforts at the micro level, particularly in
financial and capital markets.
Mitigating the Impact of
the Crisis on the Poor
We remained concerned about
unemployment and hardship among the poor and the vulnerable
as a result of the crisis. In some economies, social strains
have posed a risk to recovery. In the crisis-affected
economies, authorities have responded through a variety of
mechanisms to minimise the adverse impact of the crisis on
these groups. As noted in the background paper prepared by
Malaysia and the World Bank, the experience in East Asia and
that of crisis-affected Latin American economies has
provided important lessons. They included the need for
greater co-ordination among the relevant national agencies,
as well as between these agencies and international
financial institutions in the design of programmes; the
importance of having the best possible safety nets in place
even before a crisis; and the institutional capacity to
rapidly adjust programmes and introduce measures in times of
crises, as well as the need to improve the monitoring of
APEC can contribute to further collaborative
work in areas under our competence. By investing in health,
education, sanitation and jobs for the poor, economies make
an investment in the healthy, productive workforce that is
necessary for sustainable growth and social well-being. We
welcomed the country-specific assistance, both technical and
financial, being provided by the World Bank and the Asian
Development Bank to promote the sound design and adequate
internal financing of national social safety nets, taking
into account the cultural, economic, institutional and
social situation of the individual economies.
collaborative work could build on the findings of the
Regional Meeting on Social Issues Arising from the East
Asian Crisis (Bangkok, 21-22 January 1999) and the
Ministerial Meeting of Development Co-operation (Sydney, 5
March 1999). The establishment of the Asia Recovery
Information Centre to facilitate the collaborative exchange
of information and analyses was welcomed.
Financial and Corporate Sectors
We noted the progress of
financial and corporate restructuring in the crisis-affected
economies but important challenges remain. We commended the
efforts taken by Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia and Thailand to
establish frameworks for recapitalising viable financial
institutions and resolving non-viable ones, and the
continuing efforts by these countries and the Philippines in
further improving prudential regulation and supervision. On
the corporate side, voluntary restructuring frameworks have
been adopted and many legal impediments to corporate
restructuring have been removed. These efforts in
combination with sound macroeconomic management, measures to
strengthen the financial system and efforts to enhance
corporate governance and create an environment conducive to
foreign direct investment would contribute to a return of
capital flows to the region.
The international community
can play an important role in expediting the restructuring
process through technical and financial support, including
through multilateral development banks and the IMF. We
welcomed the financial support extended by Japan to a number
of crisis-affected economies under the New Miyazawa
Initiative and the multilateral initiative to revitalise
private sector growth announced in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on
17 November 1998 by Japan and the US in conjunction with the
ADB and World Bank.
The crisis had reinforced our
commitment to our longer-term objective of strengthening the
foundations for sustainable growth, particularly efforts to
promote the further development of financial and capital
markets to finance private investment and infrastructure
Developing Financial and Capital
Sound financial systems; corporate governance and
improved accounting; transparency and disclosure standards
are central to restoring the confidence of domestic and
international investors and the return of capital flows. We
noted the progress in developing a voluntary action plan to
support freer and more stable capital flows in the APEC
region and looked forward to receiving a report setting out
specific proposals at our next meeting. We took note of the
recent IMF report on the experiences of various economies on
the use of controls on capital movements and
macro-prudential measures and in managing the process of
capital account liberalisation.
On corporate governance,
high priority was given to domestic reform measures and we
endorsed the recommendations contained in the report
"Strengthening Corporate Governance in the APEC region". We
encouraged economies to undertake early and comprehensive
implementation of the recommendations taking into account
their specific circumstances. We took note of the work by
the OECD task force on the principles of corporate
governance. We also agreed that at our next meeting,
economies, on a voluntary basis, report on progress of
measures taken to strengthen corporate governance. We
endorsed the importance of education and training to
strengthen the body of skilled professionals working as
accountants, auditors, company directors, regulators, and in
the judicial system. We welcomed Australia's provision of a
compendium on its corporate governance training facilities.
We urged member economies to strengthen, where relevant,
the quality of existing auditing and accounting standards,
and move towards the adoption of practices that meet or
exceed international standards. We welcomed the work of the
International Accounting Standards Committee to develop a
full range of accounting standards, which could facilitate
informed decisions by the investing public by promoting
full, fair, and complete financial reporting.
Given the
financial crisis, we agreed that insolvency law reforms are
particularly important to the speedy restructuring of
business and financial sectors and better future management
of credit flows to private borrowers. A joint APEC-OECD
workshop on insolvency law to be hosted by Australia later
this year.
We recognised the need for further work on
the development of deep and liquid domestic bond markets in
the region, including developing reliable benchmark yield
curves, improving securities clearing and settlement systems
and addressing the issues of lack of liquidity and
inadequate risk assessment. We welcomed the compendium of
sound practices and the establishment of a web site to
facilitate information sharing among member economies. We
acknowledged the recommendations of the private sector in
support of our work on bond markets and directed our
Deputies to study these recommendations in collaboration
with the private sector.
Pension Funds
A second
regional forum on pension fund reform was organised by Chile
and Mexico in April 1999 in Vina del Mar. Issues discussed
in the forum were related to pension systems such as
individual policies, costs of the transition from public to
private system and its possible financing, the role of
specialised institutions in pension fund administration and
the performance of the public sector as a safety net
provider. We acknowledged the importance of these issues
when instituting reforms to pension fund systems in our
Revitalising Infrastructure
financing poses an important challenge for the region
especially under the prevailing financial environment. In
1997 in Cebu, we agreed to a set of voluntary principles for
facilitating private sector participation in infrastructure.
The ADB’s report entitled "Private Sector Participation and
Infrastructure Investment in Asia: The Impact of the Crisis"
took into account the changed circumstances for financing of
infrastructure projects in the region. While the financial
crisis did affect the region’s investment requirements for
infrastructure projects, these were still in an order of
magnitude that made a substantial private sector involvement
imperative. The crisis underscored the urgency of a wide
application of the voluntary principles adopted two years
ago. The recommendations contained in the report
included:(i) the need for governments to concentrate on
planning, policy and regulation, and to involve the private
sector in the development and operation of infrastructure
facilities; (ii) the advantages of unbundling infrastructure
services and introducing competition; (iii) the urgency of
accelerating the development of domestic capital markets, in
particular bond markets, to avoid currency and maturity
mismatches in the future; and (iv) the need to introduce
independent, transparent and consistent legal and regulatory
As part of efforts to promote privatisation
across the region, we welcomed the APEC privatisation forum
initiative. The inaugural meeting of the forum will be held
in Bangkok in November 1999.
We noted the work of
APEC member economies to prepare for the computer date
change on 1 January 2000. APEC economies need to continue to
upgrade and test their computers in preparation for the year
2000 to enhance public confidence and reduce the risk of
economic and financial disruptions. Efforts in the months
remaining to the year 2000 should be increasingly directed
toward planning for possible contingencies that may arise at
the time of the century date change. We welcomed the
initiative by Japan in organising the APEC Y2K Week and a
training programme for member economies. We took note of the
intention to review this subject at the APEC Leaders Meeting
in Auckland and attached particular importance to this
International Dialogue on the
Financial Architecture
The international community has an
important role to strengthen the international financial
architecture to complement efforts at the national and
regional levels to ensure a stable environment for growth
and recovery. We noted the growing consensus on key aspects
of a strengthened international financial architecture, and
acknowledged the recommendations made on some of the key
elements necessary to strengthen the international financial
system, including those proposed by ASEAN. We urged that
these recommendations are implemented on an urgent basis in
order, inter alia, to reduce the risks associated with
volatile capital flows. We welcomed the actions by the Group
of Seven (G-7) and the IMF in a number of important areas.
In particular, we welcomed efforts to involve the
industrialised, developing and emerging market economies,
and the international financial institutions and regulatory
bodies in the architecture process, in fora that include the
G-22 meetings as well as its working groups and G-33
seminars, and in continuing fora such as APEC. This dialogue
has contributed importantly to the process of strengthening
the international financial architecture, and we called for
the establishment of an ongoing mechanism for inclusive
dialogue between industrial, developing, and emerging market
economies to build consensus on major economic and financial
policy issues in the future. We also welcomed the recent
establishment of the Financial Stability Forum, and looked
forward to its expansion to include key emerging markets and
to the early completion of its work on highly leveraged
institutions (HLIs), offshore centres, and short-term
capital flows
Minimising the human costs as well as
helping economies strengthen their social policy responses
and institutions to deal with crisis should be an important
element in discussions about international financial
architecture. Due priority should be given to measures to
protect the poor and most vulnerable segments of society. In
this regard, we welcomed the World Bank’s work on principles
and good practices in social policy. To support this effort,
we urged strengthened collaboration between the IMF and the
World Bank on public expenditure work that analyses the
impact of fiscal choices.
While efforts to reform the
international financial architecture will take time, there
is need for the momentum to be maintained notwithstanding
the recent return of stability to financial markets. We
tasked our Deputies to prepare a report summarising
developments in the areas identified by Leaders at their
November 1998 meeting, including the work of the
recently-established Financial Stability Forum on HLIs,
offshore centres and short-term capital flows, and involving
the private sector in crisis prevention and resolution. This
report would be tabled at the Leaders’ meeting in Auckland
this September.
Strengthening Financial Systems
1994, efforts have been focussed on strengthening domestic
financial systems. More recently, a survey was conducted to
assess the adequacy of our supervisory regimes. We are
encouraged by the progress achieved by member economies in
complying with the Basle Core Principles for Effective
Banking Supervision. A regular exchange of views and greater
interaction among APEC bank supervisors is important aimed
at reducing gaps in the implementation of measures. The
first such meeting in Kuala Lumpur in December 1998 was held
in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Directors of
Supervision of the SEACEN Centre. Such collaborative
meetings by bank supervisors from APEC and SEACEN economies
are important in facilitating information sharing and should
be continued.
Proposals to strengthen APEC supervisory
regimes should not duplicate on-going efforts by other fora
including the Basle Committee, EMEAP and other APEC working
groups on corporate governance and disclosure. Efforts to
strengthen financial supervision are important but they
cannot be a panacea for crisis prevention, as these would
need to be supported by measures to strengthen macroeconomic
policies, increase corporate governance and improve
disclosure. An updated report on the progress of APEC member
economies towards strengthening supervisory systems will be
tabled at our next meeting.
The capacities of our
supervisory and regulatory authorities must be continually
upgraded and we recorded our thanks to the ADB and the
SEACEN Centre for their support in implementing the Action
Plans for the Training of Bank Supervisors and Capital
Market Regulators. We reaffirmed our commitment to human
resource development in the regulatory supervisory area in
support of work towards strengthening financial systems at
the national and global level. Based on the findings of the
survey, the APEC training initiative should include market
risk and consolidated supervision issues. To assist
economies in meeting fully the Basle Core Principles, the
APEC training initiative would also consider setting up a
programme where member economies relatively advanced in
meeting the Core Principles could share their experience and
practical knowledge with other interested member economies
through organised seminars and courses. We welcomed the APEC
Financiers Group’s (AFG) initiative to organise training and
educational programmes for financiers and financial
supervisors from the region. On the securities side, there
is further scope to develop and co-ordinate portable or
multi-jurisdictional programmes on international standards
to help meet training needs that cannot be satisfied through
domestic programmes.
Since the inception of our process,
a number of voluntary principles and voluntary action plans
have been approved and it would be useful to develop an
approach to track the progress in implementing these plans
and principles. We tasked our Deputies to develop such an
approach, which as a first step should be a compendium of
measures in adopting international standards/codes/best
practices to strengthen their financial systems. To
facilitate the Deputies’ work, we requested the IMF and
World Bank, in consultation and co-operation with the
relevant international organisations, to compile an initial
matrix of such key standards.
The recent experience of a
number of economies has underscored the importance of
strengthening financial systems to meet the challenges of
capital account liberalisation. A major emphasis should be
placed on sound debt management practices and on avoiding
policy biases that encouraged short-term over long-term
capital. There is need for the IMF to work further in this
area, including developing guiding principles for economies
that are liberalising and opening their capital accounts, in
line with the economies’ specific circumstances. Such
guidelines should aim at managing the risks associated with
sudden shifts in capital flows. Economies’ efforts in this
regard would be strengthened by parallel progress on
supervision, regulation and disclosure standards for private
sector financial market participants.
Transparency and Disclosure Standards
A more effective
functioning of markets require that the application of
standards of transparency and disclosure be applied by both
the public and private sectors. Our own efforts in
developing deep and liquid bond markets, strengthening
corporate governance and encouraging greater accountability
of credit rating agencies (CRAs) have underscored the
importance of enhancing transparency and disclosure
standards within our economies. With respect to our
collaborative initiative on CRAs, we agreed to further work
and tasked our Deputies to survey the codes of conduct and
practices currently in use by various CRAs. Actions to
strengthen information and disclosure standards in our
respective economies have been identified. These should
include efforts to foster a credit culture, promote
alternative sources of information about credit risks and
actively participate in international initiatives to
harmonise accounting and disclosure standards.
welcomed the IMF’s adoption of a comprehensive format for
fuller disclosure of information on foreign reserves as part
of the Special Data Dissemination Standards (SDDS) and its
progress on elaborating codes of good practices. APEC
members that have subscribed to the SDDS were urged to adopt
the new format. All members were encouraged to adhere to the
codes as soon as possible. We acknowledged the steps taken
by the IMF to become more open and transparent and welcomed
the progress being made by the World Bank and ADB toward
higher standards of openness and transparency, including
making public a wider range of operational documents.
recognised the need for appropriate transparency by market
participants, including HLIs and looked forward to reviewing
the results of the Financial Stability Forum’s work, the
report of the International Organisation of Securities
Commissions’ (IOSCO) and reports of other private and
public-sector bodies on issues relating to transparency and
Enhancing the Roles of the International
Financial Institutions
We noted the central roles of the
IFIs in resolving crises. The establishment of the Financial
Sector Liaison Committee by the IMF and the World Bank will
facilitate effective collaboration in the provision of
advice on financial sector issues. Further improvements in
the co-ordination and collaboration among the IFIs in crisis
resolution would strengthen the effectiveness of their
response to crises. We looked forward to the IMF’s work on
exploring ways to further improve its surveillance and
programmes, and its modus operandi to better reflect the
changes in the world economy, in particular the heightened
role of international investors and the increased
significance of large scale cross-border capital movements
in contributing to external financial crisis. We welcomed
the decision of the IMF to establish the new Contingent
Credit Line (CCL) which should be readily available to all
its members with good policies threatened by contagion, and
thereby provide incentives to strengthen policies in a
preventive manner. The ADB and the World Bank now have
policies that allow them to provide credit enhancement
facilities, which could help catalyse needed private
international capital flows.
Involvement of the Private
Sector in Crisis Containment and Management
The actions
of the private sector creditors will always be critical in
resolving a financial crisis. We reaffirmed our commitment
to promote co-operation between economies; the private
sector and the international financial institutions aimed at
enhanced crisis prevention and resolution. All emerging
market economies were encouraged to maintain appropriate
communication with their private creditors. The wider use of
market-based contingent financing mechanisms and collective
action clauses in bond contracts was supported and we
encouraged the industrial economies to take a lead role in
this effort. Some constructive proposals have been discussed
in a number of international fora. We also looked to the IMF
to continue work in this area, to explore ways to introduce
collective action clauses in sovereign bond issues and to
further consider ways to assure more orderly debt workouts.
There is need for further practical work for systematically
engaging the private sector in crisis prevention and
We welcomed the opportunity
to exchange views with the private sector and acknowledged
the contribution of the AFG in achieving our common
objectives. We welcomed the participation of key
representatives of the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC)
and the Pacific Economic Co-operation Council (PECC). We
noted their recommendations, in regard to the education and
training of regulators and participants of the financial
sector and capital markets, the development of Asian bond
markets, and the revitalisation of the financial system
through institution building. We tasked our Deputies to work
with the AFG, ABAC and the PECC to continue consideration of
these recommendations with a view to incorporating them in
our on-going work. We requested the AFG to examine and
report at our next meeting drawing on the experience of
recent crises, on the private sector’s role in crises, and
on the various proposals that have been put forward for
ensuring appropriate private sector involvement in the
prevention and resolution of future crises. We looked to
members of these groups to impress upon their colleagues in
the private sector the reciprocal responsibilities and
benefits of ensuring stable markets.
We welcomed the
progress made by the Sub-Committee on Customs Procedures
(SCCP) in its twelve-point Collective Action Plan and
multi-year technical co-operation programme to facilitate
trade in the region. We looked forward to smooth integration
of the three new members into the action plan as well as the
SCCP’s new initiatives including the customs aspects of
E-Commerce, reaffirmed that trade facilitation and
enforcement must be well co-ordinated and we encouraged the
customs authorities to actively continue strengthening such
initiatives and co-operation. We appreciated the SCCP’s
contribution to the World Customs Organisation (WCO) in
making efforts to modernise and harmonise customs procedures
on a global basis.
We discussed the report presented by
the Philippines on the outcome of the Second Joint APEC-OECD
Symposium on International Business Taxation held in Cebu in
November 1998 which discussed issues of electronic commerce
and new technologies, harmful tax competition, the taxation
of multinationals, and the tax policy and administration
implications of financial instability. We called on our tax
authorities, in co-ordination with the appropriate
international and regional multilateral organisations such
as the OECD and the ADB, to continue working on these
39. We agreed to meet in Brunei Darussalam in