Who Gives Way - ItsNot black and white
Auckland City Council - City Scene
Who gives way to whom when crossing the road? It's not as well understood as you might think, says Auckland City road safety co-ordinator Raewyn Fairley. "We've had instances of vehicles stopping for pedestrians using refuges, and of pedestrians stepping out from refuges and expecting vehicles to stop."
A new Auckland City road safety campaign called "It's Not Always Black and White" aims to settle the confusion. Its key messages are:
* Pedestrians must give way to motorists at
refuge islands
* Motorists must give way to pedestrians
at zebra crossings
She says motorists should never assume that a pedestrian has seen them, and pedestrians should never assume that a motorist will stop for them.
"Really, it is up to motorists and pedestrians to look out for each other. The refuges and zebra crossings are there to be used, and pedestrians must use them. Similarly, motorists must be aware of other road users, and be prepared to share the road."
A brochure entitled "It's Not Always Black and
White" is available from Auckland City (Ph 379 2020) and all
Auckland city