Southland Moves Back To Open Fire Season
Rain and cooler temperatures in Southland have lowered the fire danger, prompting Fire and Emergency New Zealand to move the district back to an open season at 8am on Tuesday 18 March.
Fire and Emergency Southland District Manager Julian Tohiariki says this means permits will no longer be required to light an open-air fire in most of the district.
There is still a restricted fire season in place around plantation forests, Awarua Wetlands, and Department of Conservation land.
"We appreciate those people across Southland who have taken care with planned fires over the dry summer period, and ask everyone to stay vigilant when lighting fires in an open season," Julian Tohiariki says.
"The wind will remain a factor through to autumn, so Southlanders need to keep this in mind when lighting fires.
"If you want to light a fire, you should still go to to check the conditions in your location, and for advice on fire safety.
"Make sure you have everything you need to contain the fire and extinguish it safely, and keep checking it afterwards."