First Fast Track Application To Mine Excludes Communities
Oceana Gold has lodged an application to use the Fast Track law to mine at Wharekirauponga in the Hauraki area. The environmental protection group Coromandel Watchdog of Hauraki says the mining company has chosen to exclude all community voices and avoid public scrutiny in what appears to be the first lodging of an application under the fast track law.
“ Oceana say they have lodged this application which is yet to appear on the EPA Fast Track site -making them leaders in this race to the bottom. There will be no public hearings and Iwi ability to challenge is also limited” says Catherine Delahunty, Chair of Watchdog.The Fast Track law hands all the power to a small panel of experts on fields chosen by the Crown plus the Government Ministers. There will be no opportunity to ask questions about the many concerns our communities have about blasting under at risk species habitats , the huge increase in toxic waste and the effects on the water table. We were preparing to raise these issues in court but now we are excluded. Mining will not benefit our communities long term and we have had our rights taken away by the Government. Oceana has taken full advantage of the new law to undermine conservation land and increase risk to the 200 million year old frog species at Wharekirauponga”
“ The Fast Track is a short sighted law that gives communities no option but to protest peacefully on behalf of future generations and the environment. When Oceana Gold is long gone with with gold, the toxic legacy of mining will remain, thanks to corporate greed and bad law making” Ms Delahunty said.