Revealed: Wellington’s Corporate Welfare For Event Wages
The New Zealand Taxpayers’ Union is calling out the Wellington City Council for its decision to allocate $300,000 of ratepayer money to event organisers so they can pay workers the ‘Living Wage'.
The ‘Living Wage for Events Fund’ allows anyone to apply for ratepayer-funded top-ups, regardless of whether or not the event would turn a profit.
Taxpayers’ Union Local Government Campaigns Manager, Sam Warren, says:
“Ratepayers who earn less than the Living Wage themselves are being forced to subsidise wages for event workers. Pensioners, struggling small business owners, and hard-working families are footing the bill so that an event can pocket higher incomes, without the need to make any profit.”
“It’s another example of councils implementing corporate welfare to make themselves feel better. Not only are they topping up event organisers with ratepayer money, but unprofitable events now have an unfair advantage."
"From the pirate musical about Shakespeare’s ultimate lover "one bedroom still available in super sunny central wellington flat" to ‘Slavfest, the Secret Lives of Extremely Old People and Raw Meat Monday’ – everyone seems to have their hands out to council."
"But if Wellington City Council actually wants to help those struggling, they should focus on reducing rates and cutting wasteful spending – not throwing more cash around.”