Barnardos Aotearoa Welcomes Minister’s Support For 0800 What’s Up Helpline
Barnardos Aotearoa is thrilled that Minister for Children Karen Chhour has confirmed Barnardos’ helpline 0800 What’s Up will continue to receive Government funding, despite cuts to the service being previously announced.
“Barnardos Aotearoa is hugely relieved to know that children and young people will be able to be heard and supported. This is an amazing outcome!” says Barnardos Aotearoa Chief Executive, Matt Reid.
“0800 What’s Up has been operating for over 23 years, having answered more than 1.6 million phone calls and chats and having made a real difference in the lives of children and young people.”
“Our amazing team of dedicated counsellors will continue to support tamariki and rangatahi across the motu with the challenges in their lives – this is great news.”
Only this morning, Barnardos shared concerns publicly for total funding cuts from Government to 0800 What’s Up, the only helpline in Aotearoa for tamariki as young as 5 years old, and up to 19 years old. A few hours later, Minister Chhour announced she was reversing Oranga Tamariki’s decision to cut funding to our helpline.
We acknowledge the really important role of Oranga Tamariki and its focus on core responsibilities – care and protection. We look forward to working with Oranga Tamariki and the broader Government, particularly around our work in early intervention and prevention work.
In 2023, 0800 What’s Up was externally evaluated by Impact Lab who found that for every $1 of investment What’s Up generated a $2 return.
“We have a dream where every child in Aotearoa knows of and has access to 0800 What’s Up. This announcement will help us reach this goal. Government funding to 0800 What’s Up accounts for half of the total funding we require to run our helpline. Barnardos is still working hard to fundraise the remaining $500,000 a year needed to keep the helpline running.”
Thanks to generous Kiwis, and major partners, Milford Foundation and OfficeMax, Barnardos has been able to offer 0800 What’s Up to children and young people in Aotearoa for 23 years. Barnardos is always looking for support to ensure every child in Aotearoa can access our vital counselling service.