Whaikaha Review: Lack Of Consultation Means Lack Of Credibility

Published: Wed 21 Aug 2024 07:32 PM
Disability support providers are concerned the recommendations by Whaikaha independent reviewers are compromised by a lack of consultation with the sector.
“The recommendations have clearly been made on incomplete information. The report contains worrying high number of statements like ‘It’s unclear…’ and ‘We were unable to fully analyse…’ We were here the whole time. We could have helped,” said New Zealand Disability Support Network CEO Peter Reynolds.
The no-consultation approach has been criticised and created deep concerns about the effects on a de-powered Whaikaha and uncertainty about contracting through MSD on an already under pressure sector. Despite twice approaching the review panel to meet, a group of 17 experienced sector CEO’s was never given the chance to speak with reviewers.
Carmel Sepuloni MP asked in the house on Tuesday about the claim the review panel would widely engage with the sector. Hon Louise Upston replied that she met a series of disabled people, their families, leaders and organisations completely separately through the review period.
“That’s great – but holding parallel conversations while the reviewers are doing their work and gutting Whaikaha, a Ministry by and for disabled people, is inconsequential to the review panel’s recommendations.”
“We want the same things as the Minister, to provide quality disability support for those who need it within the means allocated, but the whole world has changed for disability support providers without them having a say.”
“Many providers are deeply concerned for their organisations and the people they care for. We have the experience and knowledge of the sector to help - but the decisions that have been made now mean the landscape is very different,” said Peter Reynolds.

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