Variation To Introduce Landscape Schedules For Thirteen Locations In The Upper Clutha

Published: Wed 3 Jul 2024 03:38 PM
Queenstown Lakes District Council (QLDC) will notify a variation to the Proposed District Plan (PDP) to introduce additional landscape schedules in the Upper Clutha later this month, after approval was given at the Full Council Meeting on Thursday 27 June 2024.
The Upper Clutha Landscape Schedules Variation introduces schedules for one Outstanding Natural Feature (ONF) and 12 Rural Character Landscapes (RCL) located around Wānaka, Hāwea, Luggate, and other parts of the Upper Clutha.
QLDC General Manager Planning & Development, Dave Wallace said the schedules would be used to outline the values of identified landscapes, and to help provide clarity on what needs to be protected, maintained, or enhanced in these areas.
“Landscape schedules don’t introduce or change the current rules in the PDP, but they make it easier to understand how a proposal for development may affect a landscape’s identified values,” said Mr Wallace.
Formal submissions on the Upper Clutha Landscape Schedules Variation will open on Thursday 18 July 2024.
Ratepayers in the Upper Clutha will receive public notification of the Variation in the post, which will summarise the Variation and share details on how those interested can make a formal submission.
More information about the Variation will also be made available on QLDC’s District Plan website at and in Council offices and libraries.
QLDC previously consulted on a separate landscape schedules variation for Priority Areas (PA) in June 2022, with hearings on these schedules held in October and November 2023. Council staff were directed to amend the PDP provisions to reflect an Independent Hearing Panel’s recommendation in early June 2024.

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