Visionwest To Supply Free Period Products, Thanks To A Special Partnership Between The Period Place & NFZN

Published: Tue 2 Jul 2024 01:22 PM
Thanks to a special partnership, Visionwest, a West Auckland trust, is now able to supply free period products through their food support service, Whai Manaaki Kai.
The statistics relating to period product poverty are rather confronting. Findings from the Youth19 Survey found 12% of Year 9 to 13 students reported difficulty getting access to products due to cost. Research from the University of Otago found that 94,788 girls aged 9 to 18 from the country's poorest households may be unable to afford to buy products and could be missing school when they have their period. This figure is thought to be increasing significantly year by year.Representatives from Visionwest, Fair Food, The Salvation Army, South Auckland Christian Food Bank and The Period Place packing boxes of period products at NZFN. (Photo/Supplied)
Now, The Period Place has teamed up with the New Zealand Food Network (NZFN) to provide millions of donated period products nationwide. As one of NZFN’s partnering food hubs, this means Visionwest will be able to help West Auckland whānau who are finding things financially tough right now.
Renee, Visionwest’s Kai Security Manager, said, “It’s invaluable to be able to offer these amazing products to any female that comes through our services. Pretty much every family that comes through every day – mothers, aunties, daughters, granddaughters – are requesting period products. There’s a desperate need.”
Providing free period products helps reduce barriers to school attendance and sports involvement, improves child and youth wellbeing and reduces strain on families and whānau.
Whānau needing support can contact Visionwest’s Whānau Centre, phone 0800 990 026.

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