Operation Cartel Hammers Home Key Message - Antisocial Road Use Is Not Tolerated

Published: Sun 30 Jun 2024 01:59 PM
Canterbury Police were out in force again last night to disrupt antisocial road users and issued in excess of 150 infringement notices.
The Police presence as part of Operation Cartel put a damper on any plans participants had to congregate en masse, effectively driving away unwanted illegal antisocial road users.
Several check points set up throughout the night with a few cars being impounded by Police or court bailiffs early on.
In total, 171 infringement notices were issued and 33 vehicles were pink or green stickered and ordered off the road due to safety issues.
Seven people were arrested for disorderly behaviour, four people have been summonsed for excess breath alcohol and one person had their license suspended.
Six vehicles were impounded by Police and four were seized by bailiffs for failing to pay fines.
Acting Canterbury District Commander Superintendent Lane Todd says district staff worked hard over the weekend to curb any illegal behaviour and keep our communities safe.
“The community can expect we will continue to be out there, disrupting this behaviour. It will not be tolerated,” says Superintendent Todd.
“Our staff did an excellent job identifying potential hotspots and consistently targeting participants in unsafe vehicles.”
We continue to encourage anyone who witnesses this type of activity to report it to Police.
Please call 111 if it is happening now, or you can make a report after the fact through our 105 service.
If you have information you’d like to share anonymously, please call Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.

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