Further Changes To Smooth Rates Increases

Published: Thu 27 Jun 2024 09:40 AM
Additional adjustments to budgets for the Long Term Plan 2024–2027 have further smoothed the projected rates impact to an estimated 8.9% for each of the three years. Rates are not set until the council meeting in late July, but budgets and modelling are being completed now, as part of the Long Term Plan (LTP) process.
Following deliberations earlier this month, staff worked through the changes made from the council decisions, and the average rates increase for each year was recalculated with the second year of the LTP showing a substantial increase. The decisions today are mainly a result of reallocating portions of the roading budgets across the three years, to avoid a major rates hike throughout the period.
Kaipara District Mayor Craig Jepson says the commitment to keep just under 9% for the average rates increase has been able to be applied to all three years of the LTP.
“Smoothing the rates increase across the three years, helps to make the rates more affordable as best we can, without cutting our services and making sure we still get the work done we have committed to,” says Mayor Jepson.
Council receives funding from NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi for its roading activities. Confirmed amounts for this funding, not expected until August/September may also impact rates.
Kaipara District Council Chief Executive Jason Marris, says the changes agreed today do not affect the commitment to maintain and improve roading service levels.
“The work staff have done on the work programmes and budgets slows the trajectory to mitigate the consequence of a large, stepped rates increase for the community. The council decision today means staff will reallocate work across the years to maintain a balance. Staff will continue to work on a roading programme that is planned to increase and where possible improve services provided on the district’s roading network.”
Kaipara District Council is scheduled to adopt the Long Term Plan 2024–2027 in late July. In the same meeting rates are to be set for the next financial year 2024/2025.

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