Interim Solution Agreed For Destination Marlborough

Published: Mon 24 Jun 2024 05:29 PM
Following the collective resignation of the chairman and board of Destination Marlborough in September 2023, four commissioners were appointed to govern the organisation. They are Marlborough District Councillors David Croad and Barbara Faulls, tourism consultant Tracy Johnston and tourism provider Trevor Hook.
Tracey Green, an experienced tourism consultant, was appointed interim general manager with the Council’s full support and has run the day-to-day operations since October.
Commissioner David Croad said that whilst Marlborough’s overall visitor economy has had a solid year, Destination Marlborough has had a challenging one with the change in governance and management at the busiest time of the year along with a trend of inflationary cost pressure in line with other businesses and organisations.
“As commissioners we have worked closely with the general manager and her team supported by Council to rework budgets and forecasting, but unfortunately there will be a cashflow deficit at the end of this financial year.”
Mr Croad said the commissioners had therefore had to consider Destination Marlborough’s immediate future.
“In order to keep the wheels turning so that Marlborough’s promotion and visitor management can continue, we’ve recommended the Destination Marlborough Trust be disestablished and its functions brought under the management of Council for the short term while long term options are considered.”
“A budget for the coming 2024-25 year has been prepared and endorsed by the commissioners within current funding allocations.”
“Destination Marlborough’s staff will continue to work from their existing buildings, using the same systems, processes and branding for now,” he said.
He said the Council, as settlor, had given its consent to the trust’s wind up at the full Council meeting on Monday 24 June.
Mayor Nadine Taylor said it was a good interim outcome that would give Marlborough’s important visitor and hospitality sector some certainty.
“Having the team under the Council’s umbrella as we work through the long term options means it’s business as usual for visitor promotion and destination management here in Marlborough.”
She said a new ‘Destination Marlborough Future Path Project’ to be overseen by the commissioners and Council’s Economic Development team, would consider a long term solution for visitor and destination management in Marlborough.
“Whether Destination Marlborough returns to being an independent trust, becomes a council controlled organisation or continues as a Council team is yet to be determined.”
“It’s been a difficult time for Destination Marlborough but I would like to express my sincere thanks to Tracey Green and her team for keeping the focus and ensuring Marlborough’s wonderful visitor assets are still shining on the national and international stage.”

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