Drydale Calls For Crucial Decision To Be Made In Tauranga

Published: Mon 3 Jun 2024 02:58 PM
“We can make our own decisions.” Says Tauranga Mayoral Candidate Mahe Drysdale.
Mr Drysdale has written to the Minister for the Environment, Hon Penny Simmonds and Minister for RMA Reform Hon Chris Bishop, requesting that they defer the decisions on Plan Change 33 (PC33).
“I will be asking the incoming and newly elected Tauranga City Council, this July to withdraw the request to the Ministers.
“The Mount is one of the most important and iconic suburbs in New Zealand. The decision should be made in our city - not Wellington.
“As the Mayor, I would lead a constructive and collaborative process with my “Team of Ten” councillors that brings together a strong consensus on the issue.
“We need to have a strong debate, listen to the people that are affected and consider people's views, before making such an important decision – in Tauranga.
“Plan Change 33 (PC33) is a contentious issue which draws passions on all sides of the argument.
“The election we are currently contesting is about bringing democratic decision making and leadership back to our city.
“The final decisions should be made by the newly elected Council. We can’t keep outsourcing decisions to others.
“I see the role of Mayor to be a facilitator and leader of the Team of Ten – making decisions when we have established what the options are and closely studied the alternatives.
“My own view is that the city needs more housing, but we need to make careful decisions that last, considering a multi-faceted view of the implications to determine what works best for Tauranga in the long term.
“Making these decisions is a normal process for other Councils around New Zealand. I would like to lead the return of mature, democratic process to our fastest growing and most beautiful city.”

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