Call For Submissions Supporting Ngāti Hei's Request For Extension Of Section 186a Of Eastern Coromandel Tipa/Scallop

Published: Sat 18 May 2024 05:30 AM
Ngāti Hei ki Wharekaho are calling for public submissions in support of their request for an extension of the rāhui and fishery closure (Section 186a) for tipa/scallop in the Eastern Coromandel area.
Ngāti Hei acknowledges the existing SCA CS Closure under the Fisheries Act 1996, which currently imposes an outright ban on harvesting scallops in the Eastern Coromandel area. However, we are acutely aware of the potential risks posed by external pressures, particularly from commercial and recreational interest groups, which may seek to influence amendments to the SCA CS Closure. Given these risks, Ngāti Hei feel it is imperative that the rāhui / Section 186a Temporary Closure be extended as requested in our joint application, to provide additional safeguard against any unilateral changes that may undermine our collective efforts for this taonga species.
The proposed extension is also vital to the success of the 'Pou Rāhui, Pou Tīkanga, Pou Oranga' project (Pou Rāhui). This research project, a collaborative effort among five iwi, Ngāti Pāoa, Ngāi Tai ki Tāmaki, Ngāti Tamaterā and Ngāti Rehua Ngātiwai ki Aotea and Ngāti Hei brings together an all-Māori research team of mātauranga Māori experts, scientists, academics, iwi practitioners, environmentalists, and taiohi (youth). The project aims to use principles of mātauranga Māori to safeguard our cultural heritage and ensure the sustainability of our marine ecosystem for future generations, restoring and protecting taonga species in the waters of Tīkapa and Te Moananui-ā-Toi.
We are now seeking public submissions to support this request. The overwhelming support we received for the initial closure underscores the community's commitment to responsible management and conservation of our marine resources. We hope to see a similar level of support for this extension, which will further strengthen our efforts to protect and restore our taonga species.
Note that the Act currently limits temporary closures to up to 2 years. The Pou Rāhui project group is requesting this to be changed to a period of 6 years. Your support of this proposal would also be appreciated.
Ngāti Hei encourages everyone to make a submission in support of this request. Your voice matters and can make a significant difference in our collective efforts to conserve our marine environment. The iwi remains committed to constructive engagement and collaboration in the management of our marine resources for the benefit of present and future generations.
The closing date for submissions is 5pm, on Friday 7 June 2024.
Email your submission to
For background information see:

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