52 Organisations Back Call For Ministers To Reverse Disability Funding Cuts
Disabled Persons Assembly NZ (DPA) has released an open letter that calls on ministers Upston and Willis to fully reverse the 18 March disability support restrictions and ensure disabled people have the resources and the flexibility needed to thrive.
The letter is signed by 52 organisations representing disabled people, families, whānau and carers, as well as disability support providers, faith-based organisations, and welfare advocacy groups.
DPA Chief Executive Mojo Mathers says the breadth of support for this call from right across the disability sector should give Ministers Upston and Willis the confidence they need to take decisive action in advance of the Whaikaha independent review findings.
“For too long, much of the support for disabled people has been piecemeal, inequitable, and has not served our community well.
“Now is the time for Government to reverse support and service restrictions that are holding disabled people and our community back.
“We're calling for proper resourcing of support and services to disabled people across the whole of government so that the big ministries like MSD and Education step up to ensure disabled people have equitable access to income and work support, health and education.
“With this letter, we ask Government to demonstrate it values disabled people and their families, whānau and carers as key members of our communities in Aotearoa.”