Iwi Aspires To Improve The Justice System To Support Whānau

Published: Thu 9 May 2024 12:17 PM
In 2023 Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Inc, (NKII) shared information with you about our partnership with Te Tāhū o te Ture | Ministry of Justice and the judicially led kaupapa Te Ao Mārama.
Te Ao Mārama is about improving the District Court experience for everyone who takes part in it, including those who have been harmed, and their whānau.
NKII see this as an opportunity to find a space that enables whānau to move from Te Ao Tara Aitu – the world of calamity, ki te ara matua – a pathway of clarity.
“This is a chance to reimagine the delivery and structure of the Family and District Court – to uphold the principles of whānau wellbeing and be inclusive of whānau decision making” - Krystal Haimona, Strategic Lead, NKII.
“Our aspiration for Te Ao Mārama is to be a disruptor of the current path set within the court system and to offer a response that supports whānau to redefine and redirect their path themselves – he kai kei aku ringa.” - Chrissie Hape, Chief Executive, NKII.
With this in mind, in September 2023 Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Inc and the Te Ao Mārama Programme partnered in a series of whānau and community wānanga with more than 100 people with experience of the justice system. These wānanga were held with whānau in Hastings, Napier and online.
“From more than 1000 stories and comments gathered in the engagements, we have produced a report, Te Ao Mārama ki te Matau-a-Māui Undiluted Voices of Whānau – September 2023” – Krystal.
The best way for the Government to hear about impacts of the justice system is to hear directly from whānau about their experiences – he taonga te kōrero nei and we are grateful to the many whānau who came forward to share their stories.
We are very pleased to provide you with a link to this report. It will help inform the next stage of our mahi and Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi’s aspirations for Te Ao Mārama.
We invite whānau who shared their stories in September 2023 to feedback to by 20 May 2024. Alternatively, reach out to Krystal Haimona on 0800 524864

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