Announcement Of New Candidate For Hamilton East Councillor By Election

Published: Fri 1 Dec 2023 02:41 PM
This is to confirm that Dr. Eric Chuah who stood for Rock the Vote NZ Party in the recent October 2023 Parliamentary Elections for the Electorate seat of Maungakiekie and was 15th on the list of Freedoms NZ Coalition will be standing as an independent centrist candidate for the Hamilton East Council By-elections this coming Ferbruary 2024.
Dr. Eric Chuah was also the party strategist and Immigration spokesperson for Peter Dunne's United NZ for the November 1999 elections where against the sweeping red tide of the Helen Clark Labour Party Peter Dunne won the Ohariu Belmont seat .
Dr. Eric Chuah in line with the new government's pledge to repeal Three Waters will campaign to maintain the independence of Hamilton City Counci where he sees the gargantuan bureacracy coupled with the non democratic co governance structure will create and impose extra cost on ratepayers of Hamilton.
He will also look to promote transparency and accountability of the Hamilton City Council where debts have balooned up considerably and will campaign to protect ratepayers from unreasonable rate rises being mooted by the current council as seen in public meeting of the Hamilton City Council on Nov 28-29 where instead of aligning affordability test for ratepayer rises there has been attempts to skirt round this important responsibility test at the expense of ratepayers, even more with the cost of living crisis created by inflationary pressures and overspending by previous central government.
Dr. Eric Chuah being a former lecturer at Monash University Global Anti Terrorism Centre Melbourne , Independent Researcher for Germany for EU Commission Hate Crime report on Terrorism and Political Extremism and Violence with links and connections to Australia and EU will seek to enhance and link Hamilton with these countries' on trade ties to expand Hmilton's economy as these countries' follow rule of law and protection of NZ patents and copyrights. The past decade has shown an over emphasis on Asia Pacific trading partners which do not share our Kiwi values of democracy and intend to leverage anti democratic ideologies on NZ via trade deals.

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