BBBSNZ Seeks Former Mentees To Share Inspiring Stories Of Success And Connection After 25 Years In Aotearoa

Published: Tue 28 Nov 2023 04:44 PM
Big Brothers Big Sisters of New Zealand, a leading mentoring organisation for the last 25 years, dedicated to igniting youth potential through mentorship, is on a quest to reconnect with former mentees who participated in the programme. As part of an exciting initiative to celebrate success stories and explore the lasting impact of mentorship, the organisation invites all former mentees to share their experiences and achievements since being a part of the programme.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of New Zealand (BBBSNZ) has a rich history of fostering meaningful connections between mentors and mentees, creating positive and lasting impacts on the lives of young individuals. Now, the organisation is eager to hear from those who were once part of this transformative programme to learn about their personal and professional journeys.
"We believe in the power of mentorship to shape futures and create positive change. Our former mentees have unique stories of growth, resilience, and success, and we want to celebrate and showcase the incredible individuals they have become," said Drew Ewan, CEO at Big Brothers Big Sisters of New Zealand.
Former mentees are encouraged to share insights into how their mentorship experiences influenced their career choices, personal development, and overall life trajectory. Whether it's pursuing higher education, excelling in a professional field, or contributing to their communities, BBBSNZ wants to hear and highlight these inspiring stories.
The organisation is particularly interested in learning if former mentees still maintain connections with their mentors, showcasing the enduring bonds that were formed through the Big Brothers Big Sisters program.
Individuals interested in participating are invited to reach out to Cushla Vass, BBBSNZ Communications Manager at Stories will be featured in our website and in a documentary/book about the history of Big Brothers Big Sisters in Aotearoa.
BBBSNZ is excited to reconnect with former mentees, celebrate their accomplishments, and inspire current and future participants by showcasing the transformative power of mentorship.
About Big Brothers Big Sisters of New Zealand:
Big Brothers Big Sisters New Zealand is a non-profit organisation committed to empowering youth through mentorship. By fostering positive, one-to-one relationships between mentors and mentees, the organisation aims to ignite the potential within every young person, helping them grow into confident, capable, and caring individuals. For more information, visit

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