Out Of Touch Politicians Need To Do The Right Thing On Clean Cars This Election

Published: Sun 24 Sep 2023 07:39 PM
A Kiwi charity is leading the charge against politicians who want to pull the plug on clean car policies.
The Don’t Pull the Plug campaign, launched today by the Better NZ Trust, calls on all political parties to commit to keeping the Clean Car Discount and the Clean Car Standard.
Better NZ Trust chairperson Kathryn Trounson says that, with New Zealanders already dealing with climate change and a cost of living crisis, committing to the policies should be a no brainer for party leaders.
“How out of touch do you have to be to scrap policies that are not only reducing emissions, but are also making transport more affordable for Kiwi families?” she says.
“Scrapping the discount will add thousands of dollars to the price of a clean family car. It will also put New Zealand into reverse on climate change, making it harder to reach our emissions targets and harming our international reputation.”
New Zealand currently has one of the fastest uptake rates in the world for clean cars, with 60% of all new passenger cars sold in August electric or hybrid. New vehicle CO2 emissions have reduced by 31% since the Clean Car Discount, which is funded by fees for those who choose to buy highly-polluting vehicles, was introduced.
“These policies are working. We can’t put all this progress at risk by letting politicians pull the plug,” Kathryn says.
“This election, all party leaders need to do the right thing by Kiwis and commit to keeping both the Clean Car Discount and the Clean Car Standard.”
As part of the campaign, the Better NZ Trust is asking people to consider clean car policies when deciding who to vote for. The Trust has put together a scorecard showing each party’s position, which is available at

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