Te Waikai Otaota: Te Arawa Lakes Aquatic Weed Treatment Set To Launch

Published: Tue 8 Nov 2022 09:20 AM
Te Arawa Lakes Trust is ready to deliver Te Waikai Otaota - Te Arawa lakes aquatic weed treatment plan as part of a multi-faceted approach to restoring the lakes and waterways across Rotorua.
Operations Manager William Anaru says Te Waikai Otaota is one of the many biosecurity methods being used by the Trust’s Taiao team to, “aid in the lengthy battle of restoring the quality of our wai along with the protection of our taonga species like oura, tuna, kākahi, kōaro, inanga and morihana”.
The herbicide Diquat will be used to control aquatic pest weeds on six lakes including Rotorua, Rotoiti,Tarawera, Ōkataina, Rotomā and Ōkāreka between 14 November and 2 December.
“We are notifying whānau and communities kanohi ki te kanohi, letter drops, text messaging, emails and social media – to help inform those who are living nearby and are regular lake users.
“To keep our whānau and communities safe we will place a Rāhui on treatment areas which will prohibit swimming, food gathering, and collecting drinking water for 24 hours following control operations.”
Pou Whakamōhio (signage) will be erected during this time to ensure all lake users are aware of the Rāhui.
For more information please read: Te Waikai Otaota - Operational Plan for Te Arawa Lakes Aquatic Weed Management.

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