Kāpiti Business Sustainability Network To Help Balance Doing Well With Doing Good
Kāpiti Coast District Council has launched Pakihi Toit ū o Kāpiti, a new network to help businesses on their journey to more environmentally sustainable practices.
“Pakihi Toitū o Kāpiti is all about connecting local businesses to share knowledge on utilising more sustainable processes and practices,” says Mark Ward, Economic Development Manager for Council.
The initiative was born following a hui of Kāpiti businesses in February focused on the opportunities and challenges they came across when doing business in a more environmentally sustainable way.
“The network includes a platform of online resources to assist and guide businesses in developing their own sustainability policy and plan. Once a plan is published, businesses can apply to add the Pakihi Toitū o Kāpiti badge to their website and email indicating they are a member. Whilst this is not an accreditation, it is a sign to customers that the business has made a commitment to more sustainable practises,” says Mr Ward.
“Environmentally conscious business is the future. Successful businesses are asking themselves what they can do to protect our environment. This is happening across the district organically - this initiative is about bringing it all together and harnessing that innovation to improve sustainability on the Kāpiti Coast.”
Businesses can join the network free of charge at kapiticoastnz.com and get access to the latest news and insights, local case studies, tools and resources, and invitations to industry events on sustainability. Future projects will include waste minimisation projects for soft plastics recycling and food waste.
For more information, see Join the Network - KapitiCoastNZ.com