Craig Lord - Official Statement: Auckland Transport Parking
Whilst there will be genuine areas where street parking can be removed and replaced with a bus stop, the overall scenario is complex and a one-size-fits-all solution cannot be applied.
I agree that roads are designed to be roads not car parks, however, extreme caution must be taken before removing parking from in front of businesses. There must be effective viable alternatives in place.
Given Auckland Transport’s history of making colossal and expensive mistakes in the name of ideology, and documented proof that previous reckless conversions have been extremely detrimental to a multitude of shopping precincts, they must immediately pursue a more pragmatic approach and ensure that they openly and honestly consult with the public and affected parties on all potential changes.
Auckland Transport must also acknowledge that due to the natural geography of Auckland, and the vast sprawl of suburbs, it is generally not suitable for mass cycle transit, nor is it fully adaptable to an efficient bus system.
Cycle lanes have been installed in many areas that are not only dangerous for cyclists, but they are underutilised due to the terrain and location impracticalities.
Continuing with the purposeful restriction of traffic to create congestion is unacceptable. Not only does it cost the city millions of dollars in lost time, it has increased emissions in a time where Auckland Council has declared a ‘Climate Emergency’.
I do not agree in any way with Auckland Transport removing street parking as a vessel to complete their anti-car agendas.
In regards to Park and Ride parking fees, I somewhat agree to the suggestion, however if this was to be applied it must be kept down to the minimum suggestion of $2.00 per day.
Currently car park builds and maintenance is covered by Ratepayers and it would make sense for this to be a more user pays system. However, this is a decision that needs to be made by the Ratepayers - not Auckland Transport or Council.
Auckland Transport should also be future-proofing Park and Ride sites by investigating better options than they currently employ. Comb Parking towers would be an initial suggestion that would solve the land cost problem by going up not out.
Craig Lord - Auckland Mayoral Candidate 2022