Sky Tower Lights Switch Off For Earth Hour
This Saturday, the Sky Tower lights will be switched off in support of Earth Hour, the global initiative shining its own light on climate change.
The tower will ‘go dark’, with the lights going off from 8.30pm to 9.30pm to raise awareness for the need to grow sustainably as businesses, individuals, and a nation.

SkyCity’s Chief of People & Culture Claire Walker says “The Sky Tower will be one of the first monuments in the world to ‘go dark’ with lights going out for Earth Hour as a symbol of our commitment to the planet. Earth Hour is an initiative we can all get behind in our own way and we are proud that the Sky Tower can lead that campaign in Auckland.”
Over the years, the lights-off moment has seen entire streets, buildings, landmarks, and city skylines go dark - an unmissable sight that draws global attention to the climate crisis.
The Sky Tower is the Southern Hemisphere’s tallest free-standing structure. Based in the heart of Auckland, it is one of New Zealand’s most recognisable landmarks.
SkyCity lights the Sky Tower for charities or community initiatives that we support financially, to mark national holidays, milestones or other celebrations or events, or as a symbol of respect or solidarity.
For more information about Earth Hour, visit