Political Interference In Shelly Bay Must Stop, Says Developer
The partners behind the $500 million Shelly Bay property development say they want politicians to stay out of their business as they work towards a resolution of the year-long occupation of the site.
Shelly Bay Taikuru is a partnership between The Wellington Company and Taranaki Whānui Limited – the commercial arm of The Port Nicholson Block Settlement Trust.
“We are deeply disappointed by the amount of political interference in our project which is stopping us from realising the benefits for our people,” says Toa Pomare, Chair of Taranaki Whānui Limited.
“Ideally, politicians will leave us to find our own solutions so we can move forward with confidence.”
Ian Cassels of The Wellington Company says the developers are working hard to ensure the health and safety of the public and the trespassers at Shelly Bay who are camped besides asbestos-contaminated buildings which are earmarked for demolition.
“We’ve been very patient and will keep working to achieve a positive outcome, but the politics isn’t helping.”
Taranaki Whānui is holding ongoing conversations with its own uri on resolving the situation at Shelly Bay.