Climate Change Exhibition Coming To Wellington
Our Climate Future, a touring pop-up exhibition about climate change, is coming to Johnsonville Library on Saturday.
The free exhibition, developed by the Ministry for the Environment and hosted by Wellington City Council, gives an overview of why climate change is happening and how we can all create a better climate future together.
The effects of climate change are being felt around the world and are already having an impact on Aotearoa. New Zealand’s average temperatures are warming, sea level is rising and extreme weather events are becoming more frequent.
Wellington Mayor Andy Foster says we all need to be aware of the climate crisis and take actions to limit global warming.
“Climate change is not something that will happen in the future. We’re already feeling its impact here in Wellington. We’re taking the climate crisis seriously, as outlined in the latest update of our climate action plan, Te Atakura – First to Zero.
“City-wide emission reductions focus on transport, building energy, advocacy, planning and urban form, and the Council itself. This exhibition is timely as it coincides with our community consultation on Let’s Get Wellington Moving, the draft District Plan and Paneke Pōneke.”
Almost $30 million has been allocated to climate action initiatives over the next decade, in addition to the $226 million investment in cycleways, and the zero- and low-carbon transport options planned by Let’s Get Wellington Moving.
At the exhibition visitors can calculate their personal carbon footprint and find out the best ways to reduce it. There’s also an opportunity for visitors to enter a pledge booth and record the climate action they want to take.
Where: Johnsonville Library, Waitohi Hub
When: Saturday 20 November to Sunday 5 December 2021
Cost: Free
For more information visit Eventfinda or Facebook.